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Collection Settings

Collection Capacity and Behavior

Controls the capacity and behavior of the strategy collection.

  • collection_capacity: Maximum number of strategies in a collection. Set to 0 for unlimited capacity.
    Example: collection_capacity = 100
  • sort_by: Specifies the metric to sort the collection by.
    Possible values: NetBalance, Profit, ProfitFactor, ReturnToDrawdown, RSquared, Stagnation, WinLossRatio
    Example: sort_by = Profit
  • correlation_threshold: Threshold for correlation analysis between strategies.
    Example: correlation_threshold = 0.98
  • resolve_correlation: Enables detection of balance line correlations between strategies.
    Example: resolve_correlation = true
  • resolve_similar_rules: Detects strategies with similar trading rules.
    Example: resolve_similar_rules = false

Input Collection or Directory Settings

Defines the input for validation or further generation.

  • input: Points to one or several collections or a directory of collections to be validated. Example: input = ./collections/
  • input_match: Filters input collections based on text phrases. This is useful when dealing with a large collection directory.
    Example: input_match = EURUSD_M30
  • validate_then_generate: When set to true, the system validates the input strategies before generating new ones.
    Example: validate_then_generate = false
  • suppress_input_error: Prevents errors if the input file cannot be loaded.
    Example: suppress_input_error = false

Output Collection Settings

Defines how and where generated or validated strategy collections will be stored.

  • output: Filename format for output collections. Supports placeholders like [SERVER], [SYMBOL], [PERIOD], [YEAR], [MONTH], [DAY], [COUNT], [PROFIT]. Example: output = ./collections/[SERVER]/[SYMBOL]/[PERIOD]/collection.json
  • output_replace: When false, the system appends a suffix to the file if it already exists; when true, it overwrites the file.
    Example: output_replace = false
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