Home Forums EA Studio Trading Robots from EA Studio How do YOU build profitable robots?

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    • #139904


      Reading around the forum here and starting to work with EA Studio and get some robots running, I started to think about… what settings, parameters etc. are you guys out there using? I know that many things can vary between brokers etc, but I would love to hear from some of you who are already profitable come , what is your workflow/process?

      Do you create new robots everyday on a short timeframe? Use Petko’s pool? or maybe create new robots every month with monte carlo and nomalization and don’t look back?

      Thanks in advance for sharing!


    • #140861

      Petko’s professional EA algo course describes in detail how he creates his profitable robots.  I use his method all the time.  Sometimes I modify it by selecting 10 strategies instead of two and put them in a portfolio.  I also use his balanced portfolio method all the time.  The other thing I do is to recreate new EA’s/robots once a week instead of once a month.  I did some backtesting and it shows that overall profit is greater when EA’s are recreated once a week.  Hope this helps!  If you want to ask me more questions, I will check in once a day and do my best to answer them.


      EA Studio Professional Course

    • #140988

      Good stuff Alan, I found that following that method worked well for me also. However I prefer generating less often and allowing EAs some time on a demo account and then moving them from there as is done in most of Petkos other courses. Many things work, mostly it’s about gaining experience through practice in my opinion.

    • #141001

      Thank guys! I appeciate you taking the time to reply.

      I did indeed take the Pro course already, so I’m glad to hear that others are using this strategy with success.

      : Great, thanks – a few followup questions…

      • When creating your EAs, do you adjust the trading times to the market hours, like in the (Forex Expert Advisor course – London, New York & Tokyo Algorithmic trading) course?
      • How far back in time to you base your EA creation?
      • And do you run any of the optimization and robustness checks?
      • When doing the 6month/1month validation, do you then only use your newly created EAs or all of your previous collections for that pair/time as well?


      • In the pro course, Petko mentions that using he’s method, you would not need to do Demo trading as well. Do you see better performance when running on a demo for a while and filtering out EAs first?
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