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Darwinex Zero
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    • #239632

      I have a VPS with 1 MT5 sender instance and 3  MT5 receivers instances.

      The Sender trade with eg. XAUUSD.
      Receiver 1 trade XAUUSDx (prop firm account). I added “x” to ForexSymbolSuffix variable in the settings.

      Receiver 2 and 3 trade XAUUSD.pro (2 different prop firm account) and none of them works.
      I have tried this (all fails)
      1. Added “.pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix
      2. Added “pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix
      3. Added “.” to CustomSymbolmappings and “pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix.

      Error messages from the Experts Journal for XAUUSD(sender) and XAUUSD.pro (receiver)
      2024.02.28 23:00:00.497 FX Blue – TradeCopy Receiver (XAUUSD.pro,H1) Unable to find an equivalent on this account for sender symbol AUDCAD. You may need to add a CustomSymbolMapping.
      2024.02.28 23:00:00.498 FX Blue – TradeCopy Receiver (XAUUSD.pro,H1) Alert: Unable to find an equivalent on this account for sender symbol AUDCAD. You may need to add a CustomSymbolMapping.
      2024.02.28 23:00:00.530 FX Blue – TradeCopy Receiver (XAUUSD.pro,H1) Alert: Rejected broadcaster signal 13374477 because the symbol AUDCAD cannot be converted to this account. Check the ForexSymbolSuffix setting and/or CustomSymbolMappings.

      Hope anyone have seen this before.

    • #239664

      Hi Torbjorn,

      I have not used the FXblue copy app but what you said is you added “x” to the suffix like this XAUUSDx. Maybe try XAUUSD.x and see if that solves the problem.



    • #239674

      I was unclear.

      Receiver 1 (works) : added “x” to ForexSymbolSuffix.
      This receiver use XAUUSDx (no dot).

      Receiver 2 and 3 (fails). These receivers use .pro. Eg. XAUUSD.pro
      Tried this:
      1. Added “.pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix
      2. Added “pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix
      3. Added “.” to CustomSymbolmappings and “pro” to ForexSymbolSuffix.

      All fails.

      • #239680

        Hi Torbjorn,

        I have been looking at the documentation. Are you logging into the receivers with your main pw?


        • #239686

          No, but I receive Heartbeat.
          The Sender is setup with 3 channels: TC1, TC2, TC3

          • #239688

            Hi Torbjorn,

            The documentation says you need to use the broker account main password:

            1.3.4Can I log in to the broker account using the read-only “investor” password?
            The Sender account can be logged in to MT4/5 using the read-only “investor” password, because the Sender EA does not place trades.

            The Receiver account cannot be logged in using the read-only “investor” password. The Receiver EA obviously needs to place trades, and so MT4/5 must be logged in using the master account password.

            The heatbeat means the receiver is properly connected to the sender. However, the receiver still may not be able to place trades without the master pw.


            • #239690

              Are you sure ?
              There are two different versions of FX Blue Trade Copier.

              This is the local trade copy version where you install several MT5 terminals on one single VPS and define 1 master and x number of slaves.

              There is no variable with username/password.
              In the Sender version you define the Channel Names (TC1, TC2, TC3).

              In the Receiver(s) you only define the Channel Name you want to connect to.

            • #239691

              Hi Torbjorn,

              I didn’t see documentation for a second version. I will continue to research it.


            • #239692

              Hi Torbjorn,

              When you installed the receiver did it not ask for a pw? I think it does. I have an EA that ask for a pw to install it but then after it is installed and I look at it properties the log in name and pw no longer show up. As a test can you open up a new trading chart in MT5 and reinstall the receiver and see if it ask for a pw. After the test you can delete the chart.


    • #239719


      I found the solution to this problem. The solution was easy.
      Of course it was the only combination I didnt try.

      If custom pair XAUUSD.pro, then use CustomSymbolMappings = .pro
      If custom pair = XAUUSDx, then use ForexSymbolSuffix = x

      • #239740

        Hi Torbjorn,

        Great! Happy to hear you found the solution. Thanks for letting me know so I can help someone else again in the future!

        Be sure to test it out with small lot size to make sure everything is working as expected!


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