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BlackBull Markets


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  • Author
    • #247965
      User AvatarJordan Miller

      Error message

    • #247967
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Hi Jordan,

      It looks like this may have occurred because one of the Account Protections has triggered and removed the Expert Advisor. This happens to protect your account. I cannot tell which of the three account protections has been triggered without seeing the nomenclature in the upper left corner of the trading chart. If you can show a screenshot I can advise you further.


    • #247968
      User AvatarJordan Miller

      Nevermind i figured it out i accidently downloaded the 25k robot instead of the 50k robot


      • #247970
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Hi Jordan,

        Yep, that would trigger the account protections. Happy to hear you resolved the issue. Let me know if I can be of any further help!


    • #253901
      User AvatarCarl Collins

      Hi I have an infinity challenge that is on the raw feed so all pairs are .b

      Do the robots not work in that setup?

    • #253904
      User AvatarCarl Collins

      Seems to work now… not sure why it wouldnt for a few minutes!

    • #253972
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Hi Carl,

      FYI – The .b is just part of the name of the chart as can be seen in the chart tab and in Market watch and has nothing to do with Expert Advisors.


    • #253979
      User AvatarCarl Collins

      Thanks alan, i got a bit flustered because the smiley face wouldnt appear but we got there in the end

      • #254002
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Learning curve :o)  We all go through it.  Sometimes painful!

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