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  • in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: Errors and Solutions #379897
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Same issue here BTC/USD not taking trades in FTMO demo, ive also suffered massive DD when ever i get a win the EA takes and opposite trade and it DD loosing the gain. Im loosing confidence in this system.


    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: Settings and Inputs #379610
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hello Konstantino,

    Thank you for your detailed responce you have made some very valid points that I agree with.

    Like you its the JYP pairs that have hit me the hardest,  I have removed JYP EAs from my trading account.

    Ill send an email to support maybe we can get a responce from support.




    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: Settings and Inputs #379412
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hey Guys,

    Ive been testing out the Prop Robot on an FTMO Demo Account.

    Ive been hit with some massive DD mainly with JPY pairs. I first selectted the top 10 EAs and then only top 5 EAs. I downloaded the updated and installed the EAs every sunday.

    Its a 200k FTMO demo challange with a profit target of 10% I hit around +/- 7.5% twice and then only to loose it all again.

    Im posting a screenshoot of my history, has any member actelly passed a challange and managed to keep it with these EAs, if there are any tips one could shear I would apprecate it.

    Looking forward to any responce of advice and ppl suffering the same experance.

    Thank you in advance.



    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: General questions #375957
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hello Mate,

    I update every week and select the best 10 for the month with 1.0% risk however ill now test best 5 EA after watching Petko video last night.  Im on a FTMO Demo 200k account that will end next week and ill test again.


    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: General questions #375736
    User AvatarBob Gal

    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: General questions #375735
    User AvatarBob Gal


    My FTMO 200k demo account has been lost 6.5% DD EP was set but didnt tag me out at 4.8% like it should have done.

    Has anyone else experanced the same fath ?




    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: General questions #375597
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hey Sandor,

    I chose the 10 best month bots ive just hit more massive DD currently sitting on $6500 DD




    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: General questions #375535
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hey Guys,

    Just been it with massive Drawdown SL hit couple of hours ago on my FTMO 200k demo account. Lastest 10 robots where downloaded on Sunday, all settings are default. Noticed the robots are hedging the trades is it recomended to stop hedging the trades and how can one go about doing that, as I cant see an option to select in the EA setting. I understand that the US elections play a part but wasnt expecting such DD. Any tips advise would be much apprecatted. TIA 

    in reply to: Prop Firm Robots: Settings and Inputs #374054
    User AvatarBob Gal

    Hey guys,

    Where can I find the “Web Request for URL” to add to MT5  Expert Adviser options please ?


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