Forum Replies Created
Alan Northam
Hi Guys!
Here is a quick mid-week update on the Top 10 app robots trading on my Oanda dot com demo account. This account has now been trading for 17 days showing a calculated monthly return of 2.5%. So far this account has made a lot of progress compared to last week.
December 16, 2024 at 13:39 in reply to: Trading Robots from EA Studio: Experience and Results #384122Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Gordon,
I don’t know if Petko’s pool is up to date. You might be able to download the pool and look for dates on the individual EAs to see when they were created, or you can ask Petko by sending an email to support. As for pools, I created my own pool.
December 15, 2024 at 12:21 in reply to: Trading Robots from EA Studio: Experience and Results #383970Alan Northam
ParticipantThis first graphic shows the balance line of the top selected EA’s over the last 35 days. The balance line continues to trend in a downward direction. One reason this could be happening is the big speculative traders are closing out losing positions before the end of the year for tax purposes. I don’t know that for sure but it could be the reason. Anyway, I will remove all the EA’s this weekend and replace them with top performing EA’s once again from the pool.
This last graphic shows a nice calculated monthly return of 2.3% monthly return based upon the last 35 days performance.
This weekend I filtered the EA pool and selected the top seven EA’s, one for each symbol, and added them to my portfolio. I will report the results of this next weeks portfolio performance next weekend. I will continue to monitor this portfolio until the end of this year. Based upon its portfolio I will determine whether or not to use this portfolio to copy trade to a prop firm early next year.
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Alesamo,
Definately get the sellers comments. The Top 10 app robots are created using Blackbull historical data using ExpressGenerator and EA Studio. I also have these tools. I have proven to myself that when using brokers other than Blackbull not all the robots will perform as expected with some even being losers. To have success with these robots you should use the Blackbull broker. Other than that I have found it necessary to test for yourself using the broker you plan on using to determine which robots will provide profits. This is what I have to do as I am in the US and do not have access to the Blackbull broker.
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Alesamo,
You might want to take a look at my topic on using the Top10 app robots. It might be give you some ideas as to how to proceed with your trading journey.
Alan Northam
Hi Guys!
This weekend I am showing the results of the Top 10 APP Robots using FXblue. In this first graphic I show a nice Floating profit of $1096. Notice also the Equity is $100,201.96 which encludes the sum of the Balance and the Floating profit for a very small profit. Although the Equity shows a small profit the Weekly Return, Monthly Return, and Profit Factor are all negative. This is because of the Floating Profit. If the open trades, creating the Floating Profit, would have been closed at the end of trading yesterday (Friday) the Weekly Return would have shown a positive 0.2% return and the Monthly Return would have been 0.3%. Not very impressive but it shows the account is making progress.
This final graphic shows the cumulative profit and loss of each of the currency pairs as a balance line. Note USDJPY shows a steady upward balance line. The red line EURJPY has been pointing in a downward direction over the last three days. Since this currency pair was still pointing down going into the close on Friday I have no confidence it will turn upward next week. For this reason I will replace this currency pair. The other two pairs have been flat for the last two days following a slight downward trend. This could be a sign they are about to turn upward so I will keep them in the portfolio. If they continue to move downward in the first few days of next week I may go ahead and replace them as well. I will have to wait and see!
As we go into the final three weeks of the year the performance of currency pairs may not perform well as the big speculative traders close out their losing trades for tax purposes. As a result we could see losses in our accounts, hopefully not! However, the good news is that in early January we could start seeing some nice profits in our accounts as the big speculative traders take the funds generated by closing out losing trades in December start to reinvest those funds into new positions.
I am still in the process of shaping this account into a profitable portfolio so I can use it in a live trading account. Trading is a process!
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Mark,
Use the trading methodology that works for you!
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Mark,
Use the reply link to post under my original posts like I did here!
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Mark,
I’ve been trading since 1985. I have traded Stocks, Options, ETF’s, FX and have made all the mistakes, LOL. As for the EATA process, this is what I have determined works best for me over the years.
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Mark,
Thanks for your very good questions!
EATradingAcademy uses ExpressGenerator to create the strategies and EA Studio to further filter the strategies and to download the strategies as Expert Advisors. I have these same tools and use them in a similar process to create my own Expert Advisors.
As to using the Top 10 app backtester is the historical data is from Blackbull. It is a well known fact that all forex brokers have do not use the same historical data as there is not a common place for them to all download the same historical data. As a result, Expert Advisors trade differently with the various brokers. This is easily demonstrated using EA Studio. When an EA is uploaded into EA Studio the balance line will look different when switching to the various brokers. In some cases an upward sloping balance line will actually turn into a downward sloping balance line when switching to a different broker. As a result, it is fullish to think you can take a top performing Top 10 robot and use it when any broker expecting the same or similar results. This is why I do my final testing of EAs using the broker I plan on using when live trading.
As to using the MetaTrader Strategy Tester I know it is not as accurate as using EA Studio (the worlds best backtester). I tested using EA Studio and the MetaTrader Strategy Tester with the Top 10 robots with the same brokers historical data. I found that after selecting the top 5 robots with EA Studio and the top 5 robots using the Strategy Tester, four out of the five selected robots were the same. The actual profit and number of trades do vary between using EA Studio or the Strategy tester but the actual selection of robots are almost the same.
I am using the Strategy Tester as many traders here in the EATradingAcademy Forums do not have EA Studio or any other paid backtester. What I am doing here is to use the same tools other traders have access. In using the Strategy Tester I am not looking for accuracy I am just looking for EAs that are moving in a positive direction as an initial determination as to which of the Top 10 robots to start with in a demo account. I then test these robots (EAs) in a demo account with the same broker I am planning on using for live trading.
I hope this answers your questions!
Alan Northam
Hi Guys!
Ten days ago I started a new demo account with my Oanda dot com broker. The one bad thing with Oanda is you only get about two week worth of historical data. The good thing is; this will be a good test demo account. So what I did was to load all the Top 10 app robots into MT5. I then backtested all the robots using the MT5 Strategy Tester. Then selected the best performing robot from each symbol. As a result I found 5 symbols EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, and USDJPY. Since the account size is 100K I set the lot size to 1.0.
This first graphic shows MT5 with all the closed trades after 10 days. It also shows I have all the Top 10 robots installed. The tabs show the 5 symbols I am trading.
This next graphic shows all the closed trades filtered using FXblue. As you can see USDJPY had a nice profit of $2190 or 2.1%. The other three symbols have all closed with losses. Note USDCHF has been the biggest loser. I may decide to removed it this next weekend if I don’t see any new profitable closed trades from this symbol.
This final graphic shows the open trades. From this graphic you can see two of the four symbols are now in profit. GBPUSD currently is showing a 0.2% open profit and EURUSD about 0.4%. This is encouraging as these two symbols could potentially close with a profit. If these two close with a nice profit in the next several days I think this may be encouraging for this demo account. I will have to wait and see!
Note: The blue screen is an EA that ports all the trade results to FXblue where I do my account filtering.
Right now what I am showing is the development of a trading portfolio. Once this portfolio proves to be a good profitable trading portfolio I may decide to use it for trading. As you can see from this, my process is to first develop good trading portfolios and then use them for live trading.
December 9, 2024 at 15:10 in reply to: Trading Robots from EA Studio: Experience and Results #383018Alan Northam
ParticipantThis first graphic shows the balance line of the top 4 selected EA’s over the last 28 days. This last week was not kind to my portfolio. I believe this was due to the markets waiting for the Non-Farm Payroll report that comes out on the first Friday of the month. This report can and often does result in extreme market volatility. This volatility can then hit Expert Advisors stop losses which is what happened causing the balance line to fall.
This last graphic shows a nice calculated monthly return of 5.0% based upon the last 28 days performance. Even with the portfolio retreating this last week this graphic shows the calculation the portfolio should still be able to gain 5% on a monthly basis. This is still sufficient for the portfolio to hit a prop firm profit target within a two month period.
This weekend I filtered the EA pool and selected the top five EA’s, one for each symbol, and added them to my portfolio. I will report the results of this next weeks portfolio performance next weekend. I will continue to monitor this portfolio until the end of this year. Based upon its portfolio I will determine whether or not to use this portfolio to copy trade to a prop firm early next year.
Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Sandor,
I like the idea of you switching out the robots once a week as this should help to minimize drawdowns, at least in theory. However, once in a while you will still suffer drawdowns as you experienced. For this reason it is a good idea to keep risk under control. So, again I liked the idea you reduced risk after having undergone a large drawdown. In the future I would suggest keeping risk low. To keep risk low when you first place the robots in MetaTrader look at the drawdowns for the EAs in the Prop Firm or Top 10 app for each robot you plan to trade and make sure their total drawdowns to not exceed the loss limit you are willing to accept. If total drawdown is greater than the loss limit you can accept adjust the lot size. Good job!
Alan Northam
ParticipantThis is a result of the computing power of your computer. All my computers run Intel processors. With an i5 processor I am able to run just one reactor and with an i7 processor I can run 3 reactors. There is a process you can use to test how many reactors you can run on your computer. I used this process to see how many reactors I could run on my computers. This link will show how it is done.
December 2, 2024 at 12:13 in reply to: Trading Robots from EA Studio: Experience and Results #381876Alan Northam
ParticipantHi Sandor,
I have a separate workstation pc I use for creating EAs’. I run 10 instances of EA Studio, one for each symbol, for a week and then download the best 10 EA’s. I repeat this every week. At the end of the month I will select the best 10 EA’s, one for each symbol, and add them to my pool of EA’s. I also eliminate the 10 worse performing EA’s from my pool once a month.