Home Forums 21 Day Program Starting the Program

Darwinex Zero
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    • #302839
      User Avatarjpkan

      Hi all

      I’m new here and have some stupid questions to start with

      I just subscribed to the 21 day online program after creating an account but so far I didn’t receive any link or whatever material for this program

      can you tell me what should I do please

      Many thanks in advance !

    • #305265
      User Avatartraderkim

      I can’t even get signed up.  I click the button and it just sits saying please wait.

      • #305947
        User AvatarNIKOS KYRIAKOU

        Hey Kim,

        Please try delete your browser’s cache and cookies and try again. If that does not work, try on a different browser

        Kind Regards,

    • #305946
      User AvatarNIKOS KYRIAKOU

      Hello jpkan,

      Sorry for the late reply. If you still have not received the link, please reach out to our support through: [email protected].

      Kind Regards,

    • #309322
      User AvatarCharllie

      Hi All

      Can someone please help me? I am trying to subscribe to the 21 day course but not getting any luck. When i click the button it just keeps saying please wait. Nothing happens.

      As suggested above i have deleted my browser’s cache and cookies. Unfortunately this does not solve the issue. If have also tried it 3 different browser’s (edge, bing and google), again it still doesn’t work.

      Has anyone been able to resolve this or can anyone help? I would be very grateful.



      • #309739
        User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

        Hey Charllie, I enrolled you in the programm. The problem you’re facing sounds like a temporary server issue, registration form works as expected now. Sorry for inconvenience.

        • #309908
          User AvatarCharllie

          Hi Marin


          Thank you for the support. I couldn’t see anything in my dashboard or received any confirmation email, so reregistered for the course and awaiting confirmation. Hope that was okay?




          • #310016
            User AvatarIlan Vardy

            Hey Charlie,


            The way the system works, you can only enrol once with an email address. Re-registering won’t initiate the email flow. Please reach out to Marin on [email protected] with your details, and he’ll sort you out.

            If you have any other questions, we’re here to help.



    • #309896
      User AvatarKarim

      Hai Marin ..

      I also registered but there is no link to access the name

    • #310017
      User AvatarIlan Vardy

      Hi Karim,


      Please reach out to Marin on [email protected] with your details, and he’ll check what’s going on, and get you going.

      I look forward to meeting you in the 1-on-1 call later in the course.




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