Home Forums Ready-to-use Robots Prop Firm Robots Source Code of EA

Darwinex Zero
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    • #311885
      User Avatarbiznizallday

      Hi! If I buy some of your services and get access for example to the Top 10 EAs or the best Prop EAs, will I also receive the source code in mq5 or mq4 format? I am interested in these, because I want to learn the logic that is used etc.

      I dont want only the ex4 files. Please let me know how this is working! :)


    • #312140
      User AvatarSan Dja

      You will get everything, the source Code and the executables.

      You can use Chat gpt tobget a better understanding of the logic :)

    • #312318
      User AvatarIlan Vardy


      Yes, you’ll get everything. You can also import the EAs back into EA Studio, and see the exact strategy, indicators and parameters for each EA.


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