Home Forums EA Studio Generator in EA Studio Gernerator vs Reactor

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    • #119803
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Looks like the I can create strategies in both Generator and Reactor.  The difference being that in addition to creating strategies, the Reacator also does Full Optimization and Monte Carlo by default.  Why would I want to choose one over the other?

    • #119820
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      Hey Alan,

      Have you taken any of Petkos courses? I think form the sounds of things taking a couple could really help speed up your review of EA studio.

      As for your question. The generator will generate strategies and then backtest them, if they pass the acceptance criteria then they go into the collection.

      The same happens in the reactors but to make it to the collection a strategy must also pass the criteria set in Your selected robustness settings such as Monte Carlo.

      I you additionally select to optimize the strategy in the reactor then it will be optimized prior to robustness testing.

      In choosing one over the other you may choose the generator if you want to be more manual in how you optimize and test your EAs, or you could save the generated collection and try optimismzing/robustness testing the same collection in different ways perhaps.

      Generally I would recommend just I’m using the Reactor with Monte Carlo though, good to have options though. Early days there was only the generator but it’s still there even though the reactor has been added.

    • #119840
      User AvatarAlan Northam


    • #119844
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      I’m that case I would definitely suggest taking at least one course while you are trialing EA studio.

      The syllabus is shown in each one so I would recommend you take a look and pick what one feels best. It will definitely help you get an understanding much faster and most will even have benefits in understanding how to manage your EAs even if you don’t purchase EA studio.

      I can think of a few I would recommend initially that not only help with EA studio but have a strong emphasis on how to manage the EAs one demo and live account, so let me know if you would like me to point them out.

    • #119845
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Please point them out and I will take a look!

    • #119846
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      I also took these courses:
      Top 5 Forex Strategies from a Pro Trader + 5 Forex Robots

    • #119883
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      Hi Alan,

      The Top 5 forex strategies course is great but focuses on 5 strategies rather than using Ea Studio.

      Also Top 10 Eurusd is an older course before the reactor was included in Ea studio, so while still lots to learn in it, it wont be as useful in helping you drive EA studio best as one of the newer courses.

      I would recommend taking the “top 12 forex strategies that I trade live course”. It is one of the newer courses and much more comprehensive in using EA studio than the two you currently have as I am sure you will see once you take a look at the syllabus.

      Lots of great courses but this one will definitely help you pick up EA studio faster.


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