Home Forums EA Studio Generator in EA Studio 29 of 30 Forex Pairs in huge profit for 9 Years! Bug or too good to be true?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 months ago by Anonymous.
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    • #225000

      Dear Petko and forum members,

      first of all, happy new year to all!

      Consistent results from generating EAs, optimizing then and portfoling them are still far from me at the moment. I do not hide my disappointment, I thought it was much easier.

      Anyway, from 1/1/2012 to around initial 2021 for Gold and Silver (while around 1 year and half before for all forex pairs available in EA studio for FTMO), the same strategy in H1 (even without optimization) gives amazing profits for all fx pairs and for Gold and Silver.

      Unfortunately, it seems something happened almost at the same time for all pairs, and and maybe 1 year and half later for Gold and Silver…

      No further optimization from EA Studio for the last period at the moment, but: how do you explain this result? And how do you explain this correlated effect on all pairs?

      If you want to check for yourself (but please share your optimization insights at least) you can start the generator in h1 from 2012 to nowadays, with no SL and TP.

      Gold monthly results in H1: it changed with the start of Covid-19 news


    • #227940

      Hi Angelo,

      12 years of historical data is too long a period for a EA to continue to perform well.  Peko uses 5 years.  I tried a test with 5 years of data for Gold and got a well performing EA.


    • #229208

      Hello Alan,

      12 years of history in H1 are around 75.000 bars.

      5 Years of history in M15 are around 75.000 bars.


      So, are you talking about 5 years in H1 or 5 years in m15?


      • #229214


        5 years of historical data for either H1 or m15.  You can always run a test to see what time frame works best.  For example create an EA using 5 years for H1 and use Out of Sample.  Then create another EA using 12 years for H1 and use Out of Sample.  Compare the two EAs by changing the Data Horizon for the last one or two months.

        You can do the same kind of test for m15.  Maybe last 5 years and last 3 years.



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