Home Forums Ready-to-use Robots 100 EAs is it too much

Darwinex Zero
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    • #61012

      Hi, I just wonder whether using 100 EAs, each with 0.01 on a $1000 is too much

    • #61013

      Hi Animti,

      I personally would find it too risky. I d recommend starting out with 5-10 best performing EAs with a low DD%.

    • #61075

      So do you use 0.1 lot or 0.01 lot per EA for the best 5-10 EAs, I just simply think that the more EAs, the greater diversification it is

    • #61089

      Wouldn’t go over 0.01 lot on a $1000 account.

      I would place a few EA portfolios (of different currency pairs) on a demo account first and see which individual EAs would perform the best (select winners and pause other underperforming EAs).

      Could diversify in instrument selection as below:

      2 x EUR/USD

      2 x USD/JPY

      2 x EUR/JPY

      or ONE OF EACH

      Works for me :)

    • #61150

      Thank you, but yeah, it’s still sad a bit to look at the expected return when your total lots is 0.1 per $1000 :)

    • #61152

      True. 1000 bucks won’t generate you a monthly income to live on (only way it can be done is taking a huge risk :)

      Nonetheless it’s a safe way to make a consistant profit and you can easily double your input (if not more) within a few months …and that gives you a fair idea of what can be achieved with a greater balance.

    • #61153

      Thank you, everything seem to be safer and more simple if I can reduce greed and increase capital

    • #61205

      The good topic here, guys!

      True, trading with more than 0.01 on a $1000 account gets risky. And try not to make it too complicated by trading 100EAs.

      The simpler, the better.

    • #61212

      Yeah, and one more thing I just wonder, when I use time setting like this:

      Monday – Thursday: 00:15 – 24:00

      Friday: 00:00 – 23:45

      Close trades at the end of Friday

      No trade on Sunday

      I’m using 15M timeframe


      I have checked my trading account, orders are exactly like in the backtest journal, if we put EAs to work before open on Monday but not during the week, and pull off EAs at weekend.


      So Im thinking about can it help with EAs, because I just think that when we use Demo account and choose the best performer,

      for example, there maybe a chance that they are in there winning phase (not because  they are actually  the best), and when we put them in trading account, they ‘can’ start loosing.


      From your advices, I get that we should trade no more than 10 EAs (each 0.01 lot / $1000) .

      So I will trade on 5 pairs, 2 EAs on each one:







      So now I’m planning to skip the demo part, as the journal in backtest of EA Studio can actually ‘do’ it (we can always update the latest data to the studio and see how the EAs would have performed)


      So my plan is just using the out of sample or walk forward testing to validate my robots,

      and replace old ones only when I have new generated with better statistics in backtest and validator.

      Of course this can only be done with specific time setting and we can only change EAs at the end of week, but I dont think that is a problem.

      What do you guys think ?


    • #61377

      Hey there,

      your logic is very correct!

      I would just add GBPJPY to make the exposure equal. Anyway, you have a bit more exposure on EUR and USD.


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