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  • in reply to: WHERE ARE THE BOTS #438724
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    I completely got you and I just tried to help. I will climb up from this and see what to do next. My February live results are below.

    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #438435
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hi Bob!
    Try NDX 100, it is ONLY instrument that works right now. Start looking in 1Y, smoothe line, drowdown less than 3%, must be in 1M and 1W chart. 5-6 of them put in demo, after 5 trades you will decide what to do with them. Best of them install in live account with the SAME broker. Before deploying them, TEST in MT5 for 1Y, 1M and 1W with real (yours) delays and other options. They are active mostly during first NY Kill Zone. Good luck!

    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #438120
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    I have a doubt. I have one extremely active and best profitabile robot (profit factor only 1,29) on demo account. When I put him on live account and test him on MT5 tester on 1Y, 1M and even 1W, results are so bad, that I was urgently disable him in order to protect account. What to do? What is more realistic picture?

    in reply to: WHERE ARE THE BOTS #434192
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo


    When I change robots, I always check your LIVE accounts results to see which robots performing well. But, for more than 2 occasions, none of 5-6 top candidats can not be find on any charts (1W, 1M, 1Y,5Y).
    So, where are they? These robots making LIVE profit and they are doing it well …


    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #429399
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hi Alan!

    A few times I tried to response to you with my tests, but I have a issue with adding screenshots (I was able to do that earlier). I hope  it will be fix with support. Stay sharp!


    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #383365
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    This post strike my nerve. In October/November I have +25% and strategy was: 3 hand picked of every pair on 1M (installed as portfolio). After 5 negative trades, I disable “bad” robot and if that repeats, I hand pick new portfolio. I was ready for live and in 2 weeks, I have -15%. My 30-days money back period is gone, so I am toying now on demo trying this and that, waiting to see some positive income. So far, just downhill. I regularly check 2 Youtube channels and live results. It would be nice to have some real weekly guidance.

    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Errors and Solutions #377870
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hi! I noticed that I have account changes which is not SL, TP or closed by me manually. Sometimes there are small amounts but sometimes are more than 1% of my account. Can somebody explain what are that logs? Thanks.

    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #373664
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Thank you Alan to reach me out.

    Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking about, to replace “bad” EA with new, promising one and recreate new, better portfolio where EAs rowing in same direction. Making a text file is make sense IF the order of picking them determine new magic number. First picked will have serial number 000, second 001, third 002 etc.  Is that the case? Or labeling serial numbers has some other logic?

    Stay sharp,


    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Results & Track Record #373400
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hello everybody!

    I have some questions which make me restless.

    When we make portfolio EAs, original magic numbers are replaced with new, base magic number + serial numbers. How to know which original magic number is behind new number? I can not check “bad” EA in Top 10 App to see its performance …

    Regarding to first question, I have issue with XAGUSDs. They made several times bigger SL/TP then other instruments. I do not know which EA make a problem and why.

    And, I still waiting for answer at forum/ready-to-use-robots/top-10-eas/ Properties & Settings

    All best,


    in reply to: Top 10 EAs: Properties & Settings #315948
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo


    Can somebody clarify me entry lot size settings for portfolio EAs. What is usually good practise regarding to account size, number of EAs, etc.
    Also, do you have prefered browser for Sometimes I have issues as Firefox user.


    in reply to: 21 Day Program: Properties & Settings #312297
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hi there!

    I notice that even if I have a fixed lot size (0.05, testing on 5000 USD), some trades was open with risk of 2%, some with 1%, some less. Is there some rule which I mised?

    I set a “high news filter” and let default closing time of 2 minutes, but trades keep runing so I closed some of them manualy. What is the solution?

    All best …

    in reply to: 21 Day Program: General questions #311892
    User AvatarZoran Čuturilo

    Hi! Is it possible to trailing SL and TP in order to maximize profit? I tried, lines are moving … but is it recommended?

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