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    • #250000

      Hi, I have requested a refund via email: [email protected] for prop firm robots because is not profitable. All details are attached to the email. I didn’t get any reply yet. Can you check it please? Thanks

    • #250109

      Hi erlas,

      I can understand your frustration about not having success with trading. Losses happens to all of us. However, success comes from being persistent, and when we lose we try again. Trading the Prop Firm robots is no exception. Petko and other traders end up with funded prop firm accounts because when they lose the try again and again until they succeed with funded accounts. The Prop Firm robots can be used to achieve funded accounts. The Prop Firm robots have been backtested and forward tested and shown to be profitable. The following graphics show the latest published results of getting funded using the Prop Firm robots. I wanted to share these with you so you can see they are profitable.

      This first chart shows it too 67 days to become funded


      This chart shows the profit and loss of each trading day

      This chart shows which robots were chosen to trade from the weekly robots

      This final chart shows the magic numbers and also indicates 7 robots were chosen to trade

      As you can see it is possible to become profitable with the Prop Firm Robots.

      Here is the link to FXblue where I retrieved these charts:

      Also, the following link shows how I trade my robots.  The robots were created by me but you can follow the same workflow with prop firm robots.  Hope this helps!



    • #250294
      User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

      Hello Erlas, Marin here from tech support team. Upon checking your account I can’t find any email coming from your Academy profile email address.

      According to our Terms of Service, section for Robot Refunds, you would need to attach an evidence that the robots are not profitable to be eligible for a refund. It can be from a demo account with at least 7 days of trading or any other account that you have.
      Once you have at least a week of trading activity (no matter if it’s a demo or live account) please fill to proceed with the refund request.

    • #251161


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