Home Forums Live Trading Results FX Blue results Fxblue stats for the week.

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 months ago by Anonymous.
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    • #253090

      These are the results from the EAs I created last weekend using Expert Advisor Studio, I am using a system similar to Alans to create a and validate the EAs, but I do spend a lot of time looking at the reports to select the best ones to put on demo.

      Here is the chart showing the return per day.


      These are the pairs that the EAs traded.

      I have not gone live yet, as I am still working on and refining my process, and the results are getting better from when I first started a month ago.



    • #255079

      Looking great Gareth!

      Well done. How are your results now? Another week has passed.

      That EurUsd robot is going strong. 3.51 profit factor …


    • #255116

      Hi Matt,

      This week the results are as follows.  Overall, all stats have dropped slightly.

      Last week started off slow but seemed to recover towards the end of the week.

      AUDUSD was a strong performer this week followed by USDJPY and then EURUSD, I sort the results by NET Pips.

      It is reassuring to see that all the robots are in profit this week.

      I have deployed two of the robots to my live account and that is in profit too.

      I am happy with the progress so far.

    • #255119

      Hi Gareth,

      I am happy to see you are having success with the EAs you have created with EA Studio.  Yes, the stats will change until you get more trade data, this is expected.

      I thought I would let you know that my Infinity Forex Fund Evaluation has hit its profit target and the account is now funded using my strategy of trading EAs I created using EA Studio.


      So keep up the good work and you can have success as well using a strategy similar to mine!


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