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User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

Hey @sevanohan, Nikos already shared how to solve this issue but let me explain why does this happen so you have context and understanding on how to modify the properties in order to prevent similar issues in the future.

From the screenshot I see that you’re trading with the EAs which are preset for a $10k account. But since you are running a $15k challenge, you would need to modify the protections of the EAs.

If you go to the Journal tab (and on the chart also) you will see a message “Maximum equity protection activated. Equity: 15000.00” and then current position closed and expert advisor turned off. The reason for this is that when you download the $10k EA and select a Profit Target between 4% and 10%, this would set the Maximum equity (currency) protection to be somewhere between 4% and 10% from the equity. In your case I assume you picked a 5% profit target as this is the requirement of the challenge, and this would set the value for this protection to be somewhere around $10,500. Since you’re starting the challenge and your equity is at $15,000, this is way above the 5% from the $10k account and the EA is removed from the chart (because it assumes that you reached your target profit).

So you would need to modify the below properties according to your challenge balance and requirements.

For a $15k setup to keep the same risk settings you defined initially when you downloaded the EAs, you can easily multiply the $10k lots by 1.5 (since 10,000*1.5=15,000).

You can read this post which explains how to modify the rest of the protections accordingly.

Hope this helps.

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