Home Forums Ready-to-use Robots Prop Firm Robots Access Issues & Assistance

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    • #256186
      User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

      Welcome to the official support forum for all your access-related questions concerning the Prop Firm Robots app! Whether you’re encountering login problems, having trouble creating an account, or facing any other access challenges, this is the place for you. Our team is here to assist you with step-by-step solutions and to provide updates on any ongoing access issues. Ensure to check this forum first for any announcements or solutions that might already address your issue. Let’s get you back to exploring the world of robots seamlessly!

    • #255267
      User AvatarDonghyeok Son

      i’ve purchased FTMO robot back in October.

      I can go into the FTMO app however,

      I can’t download any of the robots in the app for some reason, saying i need to log in and i need to have an active plan.

      Can someone help me?

    • #255273
      User AvatarNikos

      Hey Donghyeok,

      When you made the purchase, for how long was your plan?

      Thank you!

      Kind Regards,

    • #255336
      User AvatarDonghyeok Son

      Was there a plan even when the price was 179 euros? I was promised lifetime updates on this bot…

    • #255348
      User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

      Hi, I found your order from October 31, 2023. You do have a lifetime license. Please try deleting your browser cache and website cookies and then access the Prop Firm Robots App again. Everything should be working fine after that.


    • #255368
      User AvatarDonghyeok Son

      Did the trick, thank you!

    • #259083
      User AvatarV10n31ZZ

      Hi,pls help me,there is a problem with your site, im log into my account, all good, but when i want to go to ftmo robot app,it open another tab with the app,but im not logged anymore. Pls fix it.(p.s. i have bought the ftmo robot Last year in november)

      • #259282
        User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

        Hello, there was a caching issue with your access. Please logout and login again and try to access the app again. Problem should be solved now.

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