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    • #208925

      Two months ago I started collecting a new strategy using ExpressGenerator.  Then in early October I moved these strategies to EA Studio to do my final filtering.  I then selected my TOP 10 EA’s to start demo trading.  I started demo testing on October 10.  Each weekend since then I removed the losing EA’s.  I then re-filtered my collection of strategies, picked the top performing ones to replace the losing EA’s I removed from my demo testing.  The results for the Month starting from October 10th is a profit of 9%.  The following is my balance line performance.

    • #214118

      The following chart is an update to the EAs I created using ExpressGenerator and EA Studio.  This is on an Oanda demo account.  Over just a little over one month this demo account is now up approximately 12%.  I have now moved my testing to an FTMO 50K challenge account.  I will be testing these same EAs for the next 30 days to see how these EAs perform.  I will then compare the testing on the Oanda demo account to the 50K challenge testing.


    • #216147

      The following chart is an update to the strategy of 10EAs I created in early October using ExpressGenerator and EA Studio.  I have removed some poor performing EAs and replaced them during this period.  This is on an Oanda demo account.  The account reached a profit of approximately 12%.  However, over this past week the account has been going through a period of drawdown of about 1%.  Overall this account is up 11% from its conception 7 weeks ago.

      In mid November I started a live 50K FTMO Challenge with these same EAs.  I am now forward testing the EAs with reduced lot sizes until after the first of the new year as I expect the performance to be somewhat different from my Oanda demo testing.  I will share results then.

      Also, since the Oanda demo testing has shown a nice balance line I will be opening a live 50K Oanda account.  I will also be sharing the differences I see between the Oanda live account and the FTMO Challenge account.

      In addition, I will be starting a new strategy and demo testing on Oanda as I plan on running it on a live Oanda account in the future.


    • #216237

      What is Express Generator?

      • #216241

        ExpressGenerator (EG) is an advanced generator that works with EA Studio.  It generates strategies 4 times faster than EA Studio.  As an example, if I were to run EA Studio 24/5 generating strategies I could create just as many strategies in one approximately one day using EG.  I create thousands of strategies each week by running EG 24/7 on two computers.  EG does not run in windows it runs in Powershell similar to using Command Prompts.


    • #216503

      Appreciate it Alan.

    • #216504


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