Home Forums Trading Strategies Identifying Similar EAs during Multiple Strategy Generation Sessions

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    • #50356
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Dear Petko and Forum Members,

      Hope everyone is doing well. I have been trading manually for many years and once I came across Petko’s courses on which followed me to signing up for more courses from the EA Forex Academy website, trust me life has become much more easy.

      I have been demo trading for the past couple of weeks and have been generating new strategies as well along the way on a daily basis. I would like get some advice on how I can identify if the Expert Advisor is generating the same strategies in multiple sessions?

      Ofcourse, on the same session the “Resolve Correlations” filters them accordingly, but for multiple sessions is there anyway to filter them?

      For example:

      I run a EURUSD M15 strategy generator for 10 hours, collect the strategies and merge all of them into a portfolio after all the performance filters and add them into my demo account.

      The next day I open a new browser and run a freshly new EURUSD 15M strategy generator for another 10 hours. What if this new session generates similar strategies as per my previously generated strategies? Is there anyway I can filter them out?

      Kindly advise.

      Thank you very much and have a great day ahead.

    • #50380
      User AvatarAndi

      Hello Faraz,

      Welcome to the Forum! Yes, Petko’s courses made many lives easier. I had been trading many years before that and never had constant success.

      Anyway, your question is quite logical. I got your point, and I think there is a way to go around it.

      If you run the Generator on the second day, just don’t delete the strategies from the collection. This way, the correlation analysis will apply.

      So, for example, if you have ten strategies from the first day, add them to the portfolio but leave them in the collection. Write down in excel the IDs for these strategies, so you will recognize which are the new ones from the second day. And the correlation analysis will do its work this way.

      Give it a try and let me know. I never thought about that.

    • #50400
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Hi Andi,

      Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, thats a good idea. I will do the same accordingly.

      Thanks again and have a great day ahead.


    • #50405

      Hey guys,

      Interesting topic here! I was thinking about recording such a video. And, yes, what Andi says is correct. That is the only way to make sure you have different strategies when running a generator multiple times.

      But keep in mind that this is only for one and the same currency pair, and for one and the same time frame.

    • #50445
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Hi Petko,

      Yes, I am following the same guideline currently. Thanks a lot.

    • #50513
      User AvatarMeryjonestexas

      That is quite interesting, I have never thought about it 🙂 I didn’t think it is an issue because I usually run the Reactor for different currencies, and then I come back to the first one, but yeah, some of the strategies might be similar this way…

      So we should be downloading the collection as well, and save it for the next time we tun the reactor for this asset and this time frame, right?

      Petko, would you mind making a video about this 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • #50526
      User AvatarRolyM

      Hi Guys,

      Great to see some discussion about this. I have another method that also works with your previous collections and portfolios. That is, once you have updated with the latest historical data, run them all through the Validator. This brings them all in to the one collection, sorts out any correlation issues etc. Then just run the Reactor and keep adding to your collection. Easy peasy!



    • #50533
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Nice. That’s a good idea too.

      Thanks Roly


    • #50901

      Great topic here guys, and a good idea for a video. I will do it next days!

    • #55090
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Hi Guys,

      I was just trying to upload my generated strategies into the collection. However, it is only accepting Json files. I tried uploading the MQL4 and EX4 file, but it wasn’t uploading.

      Is there anyway I can convert them into Json files?

      Please advise, thank you very much.

    • #55311

      Hey Faraz,

      In EA Studio you can upload strategies and collections that were generated from EA Studio.

      However, if you are trying to upload back strategies that you generated using EA Studio, you can use the Validator. You can find it under the Generator and Reactor.

      Drop your strategies there, remove all acceptance criteria and robustness tools, and run it. The strategies will go into the collection.

    • #55428
      User AvatarFaraz Fazlet

      Hi Petko,

      That’s great. As always, appreciate your continuous support.

      Thank you very much and have a great day ahead.

    • #55461

      You are welcome, Faraz!

      Take care!

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