Home Forums General Discussion Helpful Book for All

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    • #32847

      Good morning Familia,

      Happy Holidays and New Years to everybody. I picked up a book at the beginning of 2019 and it has become a bible for me. Hopefully it’ll inspire you as it has for me. And to all the new traders give some valuable insights to how valuable our software really is to quality of life in the algo trading community. IF you give it time and patience to learn. Enjoy!

      Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems by Kevin J. Davey (World Champion of Futures trading 2006)

    • #32853

      Happy Holidays Roman!

      I am glad to hear that you keep learning. Before I was reading a lot, now the time is so limited, but I will have a look personally in the book.

      It is nice that you found the software useful from another perspective.

      Petko A

    • #32880

      Hola Petko,

      Yes, its interesting to see how EA Studios and FSB help to shortcut a lot of the manual labor he describes in the book. But fascinating to see his story and how the world cup traders think when preparing for it.

    • #383409
      User AvatarKiri Mayne

      Good morning

      I am glad to hear that you keep learning

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