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    • #261773
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Are you interested in creating your own Expert Advisors using EA_Studio?

      As an introduction to EA Studio I recommend the following process:

      1. Open the free version of EA Studio in your browser. Do not log in! Do not Start Trial! Do not Purchase! You can work with EA Studio in your browser just by opening it up in your browser and clicking on the menu tabs in the blue bar. There are a few features you cannot use with this free version of EA Studio like downloading Expert Advisors or using the Portfolio feature.

      Note: The free version can be used indefinitely. However, the Trial version is only good for 15 days and at this point in your journey to learning how to use EA Studio you do not need to use up those precious 15 free trial days. This is why I recommend that you do not click on the Trial button or the Purchase button at this time.

      EA Studio works with the following browsers:
      Chrome (Recommended)
      Edge (Recommended)

      Here is the link to open the free version of EA Studio in your browser: EA Studio Free Version

      2. Take the free Expert Advisor Studio Course. this course will walk you through the basics of using EA Studio. You can use this course to practice using the free version of EA Studio.

      Here is the link to the free Expert Advisor Studio course: Expert Advisor Studio Free Course

      Now that you have had some basic experience using EA Studio and are interested in continuing your journey to becoming a professional user of EA Studio, I recommend the following process:

      1. Purchasing EA Studio is a major investment. Making such an investment is not necessary at this point in your journey. However, I do recommend purchasing the EA Studio Professional Course. This course will walk you through the advanced levels EA Studio. I recommend you follow along with the free version of EA Studio in your browser as you go through the professional course. There will be a few things you cannot do with the free version of EA Studio that is taught in the Professional course but don’t let this bother you, just do what you can and we will fill in these gaps later.

      Here is the link to open the EA Studio Professional Course: EA Studio Professional Course

      2. Once you have gone through the Professional course, and have gained further knowledge in using EA Studio, now I recommend you to sign up for the free 15 day trial version of EA Studio. By having gone through the Professional course first without signing up for the free 15 day trial of EA Studio will give you more knowledge in using EA Studio so you can make better use of your limited time with the 15 day trial. Make sense? Once you sign up for the 15 day free trial of EA Studio and have back through the Professional course, as a refresher, created some Expert Advisors, download the Expert Advisors, install them in a demo copy of Metatrader 4 or Metatrader 5, and watched them make some trades you should have gained some good hands on experience using EA Studio.

      Here is the link to EA Studio 15 day free trial: EA Studio 15 day free trial (Sign out and click on the Trial Button).

      3. Now that you have created some Expert Advisors and watched them trade in MT4 or MT5 it is time to decide if you want to continue your journey with EA Studio. At this point in your journey you will need to purchase a lifetime license for EA Studio.

      Here is the link to purchase the lifetime license to EA Studio: EA Studio (Sign out and click on the Purchase Button).

      Once you have purchased the lifetime license to EA Studio you will be able to continue to practice creating Expert Advisors using the Professional Course as a reference. Learning how to use EA Studio to create Expert Advisors and how to use them to generate profits is not a sprint, it is a MARATHON!  It will take some time to master using EA Studio and to create Expert Advisors that are profitable, but the results will be Worth It!

      To show EA Studio can be used to create Expert Advisors to achieve a funded account with a prop firm here is a link to Infinity Forex Funds. This link will show you I used the  Expert Advisors I created using EA Studio, the journey I took, and the strategy I used to reach a funded $100,000 account.

      Ongoing Challenge: 10 EAs from EA Studio

      Welcome aboard, and let the journey begin!



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