Home Forums General Discussion Count of trades per day in D1 timeframe

Darwinex Zero
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    • #69554

      Hi guys,

      We all understand the count of trades (COT) showing in each strategy (if selected in settings) in EA Studio’s collection, right?
      Like Petko, I’d also like to know/calculate the number of trades PER DAY.
      I thought it was easy to calculate. It was not! Can anyone check what’s wrong with my calculations?

      Example 1:
      Results from EA Studio’s Reactor:
      EURUSD, H4
      6372 bars (4 years of historical data)
      COT: 383 (average)

      Calculating the no. of trades PER DAY from “Example 1”:
      6372 bars of H4 = 1062 days exactly. That’s 6372 divided by 6 because each day has 6 H4 bars.
      1062 days divided by 383 = 2 to 3 TRADES PER DAY – which is logic since a day has 6 H4 bars.

      Example 2:
      In this example I’m using the D1 timeframe:
      Results from EA Studio’s Reactor:
      EURUSD, D1
      4065 BARS (13 years and 10 months of historical data)
      COT: 284 (average)

      Calculating the no. of trades PER DAY from “Example 2”:
      4065 bars of D1 is 4065 days, right?
      4065 days divided by 284 = about 14 trades PER DAY THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!

      14 trades per day is 14 trades per bar (or candle). How is that possible???


    • #69556

      Hi Asser


      If my calculation is right, if you generated an EA with cot of 284 based on 4065 x 1day bars, it would mean you’d have 1 trade every 14 days on average.



    • #69557

      Hi Asser,

      If I understand your data above:

      On D1, over the 4065 bars, or days, there is a TOTAL of 284 trades, which, as CuriousGeo says, is an average of 1 trade every 14 days.

      Have you looked in the Journal, in Report to see the trades that were opened and closed in this period?


    • #69560

      You’re so right Geo. Thank you for enlightening my old brain.
      I’m dividing 4086 by 284 in stead of 284 by 4086 which means, as you said, about 1 trade every 14 days.

      : Good suggestion! I’ll do that. Thanks.

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