Home Forums General Discussion Correlate downloaded MT4 file with JSON object?

Darwinex Zero


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    • #63808

      Hello! I searched the forum for the keyword “JSON” but didn’t find an answer to my question, so I’m creating a new thread. If the answer exists already please re-direct me. :-)

      I’m evaluating EA Studio using the Free trial with the intent of upgrading to the paid version. I generated a collection of ~50 strategies and downloaded them one by one as shown in Petko’s free “Getting Started” course. I also downloaded the JSON file for the collection.

      The JSON file contains a list of objects, where each object represents one strategy in the collection. I was hoping that each object in the JSON file would have a key-value pair that associates the object directly with the downloaded MT4 or MT5 file. For example, a downloaded file name is EA Studio EURUSD M15 69213560.mq4. I was hoping there would be reference to “69213560” in the JSON object so I could match a downloaded file to the strategy object.

      I do see a field called id but I believe this is the ID of the strategy when it appears in EA Studio for editing or optimizing purposes. For example, "id":365 probably maps to a strategy in EA Studio but “365” isn’t a number that appears in any of the downloaded MT4 files.

      Does this link between the JSON object and the downloaded file exist? If not, is there any other way to correlate these 2 resources? Any plans to introduce this feature?

      Thank you so much for an amazing tool!


    • #63813

      Hey colin-chad,

      Good to hear from you, and welcome!

      The JSON file is a collection of the strategies, not the EAs. The EAs are only generated when we download / export them, and each time you do, the software automatically generates a new, unique EA number.

      You can however use the Validator to import an EA back into EA Studio, and then adjust the strategy if you’d like to. However, as mentioned above, once you’ve made any changes, and download / export it again, a new unique number will be assigned to the EA.

      So, to answer your question, at this stage there is no link between the JSON object and the EA magic number, only the strategy ID, because the strategy only gets an EA number assigned , when it get exported as an EA.


      Hope this helps clear things up.




    • #64003

      Hi, Ilan, and thanks very much for the info.

      I discovered that the objects in the JSON file are in the same order as the strategies are listed in the collection. I have mine listed by descending net profit, so I’m able to go through the JSON file and manually match up the net profit I see for each object with the net profit for each strategy in the collection. It’s tedious, but do-able.

      Thanks again,


    • #64005

      Hey Colin,

      Good to hear from you again.

      Out of interest, why do you want to go through the JSON file manually, when you have the option to load it into the Validator, and go through the strategies with the user interface of the EA Studio?



    • #64334

      Hi, Ilan,

      I actually haven’t explored the Validator yet so I didn’t know that was possible! I was looking for a way to see at a glance what acceptance criteria and strategies were used for any given MQL file. I will start playing around with the Validator. Thanks!


    • #65009

      Hello Colin,

      You can read more about the validator in the user guide:


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