Home Forums Prop Firms Copier mt4 to dxtrade

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    • #243868

      As probably many of you know, many prop firms migrated to DXtrade and do not support the mt4 and mt5 any longer. Does someone know a legit copier to copy the trades from mt4 to dxtrade? I would reall appreciate

    • #244147

      Hi Boyan,

      Please note FTMO does not allow copy trading between MetaTrader and their DXtrade accounts. Right now FX2 does allow copy trading. However, I have seen the trend where when one prop firm stopped allowing MetaTrader others started doing the same and you are seeing the results. I have to wonder if a similar trend will eventually occur in using trade copiers.


    • #244149

      Hi Alan,

      FTMO is currently still supporting mt4 so I don’t need the copier there. My problem is that I bought a FX2 challenge just before they switched to DXtrade, so the copier is my only option I guess. And I have not found one yet, still searching.



    • #244158

      Hi Boyan,

      If you are not in the United States MT4 it is still available right now. MT4 is not available in the US. I have to wonder how much longer MT4 will be available at FTMO outside US. Also, some of the prop firms are no longer allowing US traders. The prop firm business is in a state of change and has not yet matured.

      I know trade copier developers are working on MetaTrader to DXtrade apps but I don’t know of any at the moment. I have been researching for them myself. There are trade copiers between MetaTrader and cTrader and some prop firms are moving to ctrader.


    • #244164

      Hi Alan,

      I am not in the US and mt4 is available. As far as I know the EAs can be run only on the metaquotes platforms, so there must be a solution for the prop firms. Please let me know if you find that kind of copier, thanks!


      • #244181

        Hi Boyan,

        Yes the EAs can only work on MetaTrader.


    • #245618

      Hi Traders,

      Traders Connect should be finished with the beta test of their trade copier between Metatrader and DXtrade on April 7th. This means traders will be able to start using this copier. However, be aware that beta versions might still have some software bugs that need to be fixed. The final release has not yet ben scheduled! This is not a recommendation, I am just sharing information I have received!


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