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Fantastic! Asking suggestions from user to make it more profitable is amazing step. I really appreciate.

I just would like to suggest or ask if some of the following points can be added in strategy builder.

1. Calculation base level can possible to add. I mean to say considering previous day/week, high/low/close, is it possible to make such calculation and define support and resistance line?

2. Prepare trading rule like if price holding below resistance line for 3/4 candles (M5/M15) than sell or if price break resistance line with high volume and holding above 3/4 candles and return to test resistance again to take buy call.

3. Also generate call on basis of candle stick patterns. Define rules for candle stick pattern (that of also flexible to change rule) and take call n trade.

I guess it might difficult buy as a person trading on above rule, curious to have EA which can be beneficial to all.



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