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Hello, good afternoon Llan, I am following the steps as you mentioned in the MetaTrader 4 Forex Trading + Weekly Robots Course, and I do not know how to configure the excel to export the data from FXblue, so that it is understandable, because the following appears to me file, you will tell me.

Best regards.


Magic #/Comment,”Trades”,”Gross profit”,”Gross loss”,”Net profit”,”% change”,”Opening balance”,”Closing balance”,”Profit factor”,”Winners”,”Winner%”,”Losers”,”Loser%”,”Avg win”,”Avg loss”,”Avg trade”,”Best trade”,”Worst trade”,”Longest (hours)”,”Shortest (hours)”,”Average length (hours)”,”Total win pips”,”Total loss pips”,”Net pips”,”Pip profit factor”,”Avg win pips”,”Avg loss pips”,”Avg pips per trade”,”Lots traded”,”Avg lots”,”Average winner length (hours)”,”Average loser length (hours)”,”Consec winners”,”Consec losses”,”Consec profit”,”Consec loss”,”Consec win pips”,”Consec loss pips”


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