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Hi Guys, i am new here, but I will go strait w/o any introduction, because at the moment ,after I red this topic to the end, I think there is a situation with my (scam) Broker -trading account  – the name I may share after I escape from then and get my money back –  so, I need to act immediately and try to save my money as much as possible.

So, every think   I red here, used to happen to me too.  Here a short history:

1. I registered  and got a trading account, I payed the minimum 259EUR=ca.270USD  by credit card (otherwise there was no support , nor trading permit) , my personal manager (Senior Trading Manager) called me, gave me his Email for further communication and questions asking and we started trading. I rejected the Bonus (100%) in order to avoid the 3 Months restriction for withdrawals  . I also send them the required documents to get certificated/approved for any withdrawals. So far, so good.

2. He tolled me not to touch anything , he will take care for me the first 3 months to show/demonstrate me how easy is to trade with their algorithmic software and make profit without doing anything.

3. The money was transferred (by them) to a new account (algo trading – Meta Trader 4)  and I sow trades started by some one (Robot  or my Manager -not clear ) and showing some floating Profits and Floating Losses which have  moved with the  Forex market curses. On the History Tab I also sow some profits (no losses), like 5, 6, 10 USD  etc.

4. What surprised me that on no one trade there ware no S/L entries (stop loss), just T/P (take Profit). I asked my manager why, and the answer was ” we don’t need S/L, because  they would produce real losses which we don’t like – only profits. (first signal for “something wrong “).

5. With the time, the floating losses became  so big (-$12–$15) and they were so many, that my equity became close to zero . So, I ask again my manager what is going on, yet my money is  away, but he tolled me not to wary because their “magic” software is going to delete such losing trades and  my money is safe. In deed, one day ( and every time when necessary) the  (big) negative trades were cleared – they just disappeared- but there was no booking /notes of them in the “History” . How was this possible and who payed those losses? This was the second  signal for “something wrong “.

6. With the time the trades became so many and the negative (floating) losses also, which ended in the fact that, although there was a real profit of ca. 100 USD on my “history”,   my equity is always very low ( much less as my investment) ,  so now I understand that I will maybe never able , even if they allow me, to withdraw my money , because, I guess, before I initiate some withdrawal, I need to close all my orders and the result will be very low (because of the pending floating losses to the sat pending trades).

7. Last Friday , after the market closed, I saw on the open trade list there is a (small) floating Profit of $5, balance and equity about $ 370  so , I believe, if I close immediately all the trades, I would be able to escape with a good amount, may be with profit too, provided that they will not create some additional restrictions to stop me.

So, please, help me what to do:

a) can I act right now ( Sunday afternoon , when the markets are closed), bu may be my broker would accept to close the trades and to initiate my withdrawal request, or it should be smarter to wait until  Monday Morning ? The risk:When I wait, they may initiate tomorrow 01:00 another (new) trades with losses and my equity will go down again.

b) after I close those open trades and request withdrawal , shall I send them Emails to ask to transfer my money urgently, because I have financial problems (Covid 19 etc.)?

c) what, if they blocked my  algo- account, not allowing me to close the open trades? Is there some hope to save the money in this case?

Thank you for you help in advance


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