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Hello traders!

I have just uploaded the brand new Top 5 Forex Strategies Course:

The old course was the first one I have ever recorded. It was back in 2017. Since this time, I recorded 30 courses, and I wanted to go back to my first course and give my best for it.

And now, the 5 strategies included in this brand new course are the best strategies from all my other courses! Of course, I included the Experts/Robots again!

Also, the new course is a result of your feedback to me! Thank you!

I took into consideration every single review and feedback, and I did my best to improve the learning experience for you.

I succeeded to improve the course in several ways:

  • I have included new strategies with more explanations
  • You will learn how to trade the strategies manually and with Robots
  • You will receive PDFs and resource files in most of the lectures
  • I included an introduction section for the beginner traders
  • You will see how I have created the strategies

The new course is with much more professional audio, camera, and lights. I wanted to make sure that I will bring a much higher quality in my course. So I did it!

If you already have the course, I would suggest you watch it again! You can watch the new course for free because you have a lifetime license.

You will see which are the new strategies that I included!

Or if you have started the course and you are somewhere in the middle, you better start from the beginning. Sorry about that, but I am sure you will have a better experience. :)

See you inside the class!

Petko A

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