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Hey Roman, time passes quickly :)

It depends on what strategy builder software people are looking for…

The most common issue I see is that traders are ”in love” with some manual strategies and they want to automate them. If they succeed to do it with strategy builder or developer, 99.9% see that the strategy is losing. Most blame the program or the developer.

At the same time, many can not find some custom indicators in EA Studio, FSB Pro and the other strategy builders. Well, the software companies do not want to place custom indicators because they will lead to mistakes in the code of the experts.

However, all of that is unnecessary since the generator is smart enough to come with a combination of indicators that show realistic backtest. And this is what algorithmic trading is all about – find a strategy that performed well so far and test it.

More, we have the reactor now in the EA Studio strategy builder software, which makes it all automatic.

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