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Hi Boyan,

My workflow is not the only workflow in successful trading it is what I found works best for me.  My workflow tests the robots and then increases the lot size on those robots that are profiting.  It takes me about 30 minutes once every weekend to check which robots worked best the previous week and then to update the lot sizes.  Then I am done for another week.

The workflow on the YT channel is what Petko uses.  Petko takes robots shown to be profitable and put them on a challenge.  If they hit profit target then that account gets funded.  If he loses that account because of excessive draw down then he starts over with a new challenge.  He repeats this process until the account gets funded.

While both of your workflows achieves funded accounts they are not the only ones that can be used to become a successful trader.  Every successful trader has figured out the workflow that works best for them.  I hope you too will figure out what works best for you.


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