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This is the problem with this industry!

Why sell a product to traders if you are not even sure whether the product you are selling is sound and works like you say it does?

It’s all marketing and sales to entice a person and take their money!

Then you put someone in charge of the Forum that did not build the robot and does not understand how it works?
It sounds like a big money making scheme to me. I have read very few positive comments about the FTMO robot and now I even noticed that it is no longer for sale. Each week the EA’s are updated to new pairs. How on earth is a person meant to run an EA based trading system if they need to change the EA’s on a weekly basis. This is not how EA trading works. I left these robots running on my account for weeks and it has honestly been shocking.

I requested a refund and that in itself is a whole other story to get the money back from EA Trading academy.


Alan, sorry you are the one that has to deal with all these comments. This system has obivously not been tested properly before being released to the public.



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