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What David said:  “Thank you very much for taking the time to give such a full explanation. I guess it’s just bad timing then. I will persist with EAs. I’ve already posted a question on the Forum about the FTMO Robot. So if I’m lucky and qualify during some good months is it a matter of making hay while the sun shines and then getting wiped out during a bad one for failing to make enough profit? Once qualified does FTMO allow us to tread water during a bad month? Thanks again.Thank you very much for taking the time to give such a full explanation. I guess it’s just bad timing then. I will persist with EAs. I’ve already posted a question on the Forum about the FTMO Robot. So if I’m lucky and qualify during some good months is it a matter of making hay while the sun shines and then getting wiped out during a bad one for failing to make enough profit? Once qualified does FTMO allow us to tread water during a bad month? Thanks again.”

It is not bad timing as we cannot predict the future.  What we can do is try to minimize the risk.  One way to do that is to look at the EA Report and look to see if the EA has gone through a drawdown recently.  If so then it might be OK to start trading it.  In other words, analyze the report and make a sound decision as to whether or not to trade the EA.

Once the FTMO account is funded you can decide whether to trade it or not.

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