Home Forums EA Studio Trading Robots from EA Studio How to Select EA’s to Use? Reply To: How to Select EA’s to Use?


Yes I am using the EA from the top 5 course.  From the top 10 I need to pick myself I have only added two of them to two live accounts and I am monitoring them closely.  I have also reduced lot size to 0.05.  As these go into profit I will be adding additional EA’s to live accounts.  It will take some time to get all 10 live accounts fully up and running.  Once I have sufficient closed trades I will then add them to FXBlue.  As for using less correlated EA’s, I don’t have a group of less correlated EA’s to chose from.  As this portfolio of EA’s makes money I plan on using some of the profits to add courses so I will have access to other currency pairs to chose from.

Currently, I am undecided about using EA Studio.  From the messages in the Forum it seems like it could take quite some time to learn how to use it properly so that I can get reliable EA’s from it.  Therefore, at this time I think it would be less time consuming to just add courses to select EA’s from and let you guys deal with EA Studio.  I think my time would be better served using your EA’s and putting together a good performing portfolio of EA’s.  I could change my mind at a later date but for now this is my plan.

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