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Hi Kalin,

First point is well done on coming to this portfolio idea independently but Petko does this in most of his courses also (well since portfolio EA became a feature in EA studio) :-). What course have you taken so far? You are getting off to a good start but it may be worth taking a look at one of the newer courses where petko is using portfolio EAs in this way?

So this is a good way to use the portfolio EAs, and I’d say stick to 100 strategies per portfolio personally and you won’t go wrong.

And yes I thought that might be the problem regarding the tabs. Yes the solution is just to use multiple browser windows rather that multiple tabs.

Is there any particular reason that you have chosen to use Brave? EA studio will work on most browsers but chrome is recommended as the fastest and it is considerably faster than Firefox for example when I tested this.

Brave is a good lightweight browser so I expect your think it may have been faster?? Chrome is the way to go :-)


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