Home Forums Live Trading Results Live Trading Accounts (Real Money) Top 3 USDJPY EAs from Top 10 EAs App

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 months ago by Anonymous.
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    • #252223

      Dear traders,

      We have placed the Top 3 USDJPY Robots from the Top 10 EAs App on a 200$ live account and we wanted to share their performance with you!

      We are looking to see if there is any profitable robots in the App than the ones that we are already trading with in Metatrader and in case we see that any of the magic numbers is not on the ones that we already have running, we change them as this means that there are more profitable robots.

      You can see more on that here:

      USDJPY Top 3

      You can also see the results via this table:

      Live Trading Accounts

      If you have any questions, let me know!

    • #257810

      Dear traders,

      We would like to update you about the account that we are using with the USDJPY Robots.

      There are some good results as the robots achieved 10.25% last month which is great!

      You can see how our robots are performing here:

      Live Trading Accounts

      Kind Regards,

    • #260676

      Hi Nokos

      By chance do you have USDJPY 2134225486 MT5 version ?
      I downloaded this a while ago for MT4. Now I cant find it to get the MT5 version.

      • #260784

        Hey Adam,

        If it is from the old version of the app, probably it will not show. But if it is one of the top strategies, you will be able to find it at some point.

        Kind Regards,

    • #260837

      Thanks for reply. I made modifications to the settings. So It might not return to the top. My version was much more profitable.

      • #260847

        I understand Adam but keep in mind that even the new ones are doing well. We are trading with some of the pairs which you can see how they are performing here:

        Live Trading Accounts

        Kind Regards,

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