Home Forums General Discussion Support and questions frustrations

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    • #441516
      User AvatarNicholas Grobler


      I must say, you make it EXTREMELY difficult to reach out with questions before comitting to buying one of your products. I have to sign up to the forum and your contacts page is blocked out and I have to install Java to view your support email. I am NOT installing java just to see one websites support email. I understand spam, but goodness, make it a bit easier to reach out. Get a live chat or Telegram or Whatsapp channel going where people can ask questions! In this day and age, that is expected.

      I have questions on your Prop Firm EA product. Is this the right place to ask them? Since I cannot see your support email and you do not have any other channel where I can reach out. I also want to first see if you actually respond, since your forum also looks a bit dead. Most have a status of “weeks ago” with any conversations.

      Let me know.

    • #441784
      User AvatarMarin Stoyanov

      Hi Nicholas, since you already wrote an email with your questions, I’ll reply there directly. The forum is active, you can see the “Last Post” next to each topic. Some topics don’t have recent activity while other are very active. But it doesn’t matter if you’ll ask for support in the forum, via email or in socials, we respond everywhere.

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