Home Forums Prop Firms Prop Firm Protector

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 11 months ago by Anonymous.
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    • #250335

      Hi everybody, do you have any prop firm account protector to prevent Daily DD to happen? I’ve tested this one “FxProp”  on a 10k Challenge on FunedNext, but it failed to stop Daily DD in time. Probably my wrong settings or too elevate volatility.


      Do you have any recommendations?



    • #250342

      Hi Giovanni,

      Yes, our Prop Firm robots have Daily DD protection and Max DD protection:

      Prop Firm Robots


    • #250343

      Thanks Alan. I was using Fx Gold Investor that unfortunately had an heavy DD during a challenge. I was wondering if you recommend any external ea just for prop firm protection.

      • #250348

        Hi Giovanni, I believe one of our team members has already asked the developer of FX Gold Investor to a dd DD protection.  I believe it is going to be added to the next release.  You can contact the developer to verify and ask when to expect the next release.  In the meantime, please be advised Gold is highly sensitive to changes in the US Dollar.  Currently, the US Dollar is very volatile.  So early every month when the economic news comes out that affects the US Dollar you should expect Gold to make large moves.  What you can do is to manually stop trading gold on these days until there is a fix for the FX Gold Investor app.



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