Home Forums General Discussion EA on sp500



  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #9596

      Hello everyone,

      i am reading about members who created EAs on sp500 and Nas100.

      i didn’t find a Petko course about this. How can i create one or more? what i put in spread?

      thank you

    • #9598

      @edu-Hi there! I’ve created EAs for both of these. I did nothing different. Just export the data and generate strategies. The only thing I had to double check was the minimum lot size to trade from my broker, which for any of the indices is 1 standard lot. Your broker might be different. I did nothing with the spread as I just left it as default. I generated some pretty good strategies, but am only testing on demo as I don’t have a live account value at the level I want it to be in order to start trading the indices.

    • #9601

      Hey Edu,

      when you export the Historical data with the script, just always leave it to 0. It will round it to the first higher rounded number.

      This way you will have more skeptical strategies generated with a higher spread, and you will do the actual trading/testing with the lower spread of the broker.

    • #9602

      @both thank you!

      what about the size lot? And the pips?

      For the forex i usually put 0,01 and TP SL from 10 to 110 pips.

      My Broker let me use only 1,2,3,4 etc…

    • #9611

      Hey Edu, same as what Jacpin said. Some brokers allow 1 lot as minimum trading lot. This requires big account.

      Generate couple of EA on sp500 and place them on A big Demo account and you will get better idea.

      But if your broker allows 1 lot as minimum you better place the same in EA studio.

      Indexes are measured in currency just like gold and oil.

    • #9631

      I am testing on Demo for quite a long time and nice profits are there with one ea on sp500, and 2 for the Dax.

      When I am ready with bigger account, I will move them there if they keep performing well.

    • #9638

      @desita and if i can ask you: did you keep in the reactor the 10-100 pips for TP and SL?

    • #9644

      Hello Edu,

      you better give it bigger range with the indexes

    • #9646

      It depends on the time frame you want to trade.

      The best thing you can do is to leave it as May Use in the generator, and give it a bigger range.

      You will see what are the ranges with the SL and the TP. Simply, EA Studio will show you what SL and TP to use for EA on sp500 depending on your broker’s Historical data and time frame.

    • #9717

      I would suggest you all use SL for the EA on sp500. As with all other indexes, there are the times when the market drops suddenly. This might affect a lot your balance if you are in a long position at this time.

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