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    • #441400
      User AvatarJTrades314


      I am excited to join EA Studio. I have a mac laptop and plan to use my Mac to download and create EA’s and will then move them to my VPS (windows). Before paying for the program, I wanted to be sure of a few things. Can I use EA Studio from my Mac? Does this make a difference at all? Since this is a website based program, I am hoping that this will not make a difference.

      Thanks in advance,


    • #441418
      User AvatarStoyan Stoyanov

      Hello there,

      Yes, EA Studio is web-based and works in the browser no matter the OS. There is no difference if you’re a Windows or Mac user for EA Studio. With the software, you are downloading source code for the EAs (*.mq4/mq5 files), which you need to compile in MetaEditor (which is installed when you install the MetaTrader platform on your computer).

      Safe trading!

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