Home Forums Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency: Experience and Results

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    • #435129
      User AvatarStoyan Stoyanov

      This topic is about Your Experience with trading Cryptocurrency and the Results you have achieved if you wish to share with fellow traders.

      P.S. Please use the Reply button if you want to reply to a specific comment. This would make the topic organized and easier to navigate through and will reduce number of duplicate questions.

    • #2362

      Dear traders, i am very unhappy with having now bitcoin, because i bought it in the worst moment? Please advice what to do? Shall i keep it and sell when the same price is reached? Is there any course that will help me to manage a bitcoin? I mean i know that i can not manage the price but at least some idea when to sell and when to buy?
      One friend told me to buy bitcoin because he did some time ago and now made some money but he bought it when the Bitcoin was 1500 dollars…

      i will really appreciate if somebody has some experience with the Bitcoin and tell me what to do…
      thank you indeed

    • #2538

      Dear Desita,

      Normally here we are not giving any trading advises for the Bitcoin or any other asset. As you know we are academy, and we will give you an answer to every question connected with education. Also, here we do not predict, but we base our trading and education on algorithmic trading and formulas, to make sure we have stable results based on past performance, Monte Carlo test, statistics etc.

      Anyways the Bitcoin is just reaching new Tops, I do hope that you had the courage to hold them, so I do believe now you are on profit.

      Good luck to you

    • #2575

      Dear Petko,
      I succeeded to hold and just when I was on the same price i have bought the Bitcoin, I actually saw your post and decided to be strong and hold it longer…and now I enjoy huge profits…you are really a treasure!
      Also, I have bought your Cryptocurrency never losing formula – Bitcoin trading course from that profits. And again you surprise me! What you are doing actually you buy Bitcoin and take small profits, but I actually calculated that for 1000USD move it made, you are able to make more than 5 trades and this will actually make more than 1000USD and you will not pay the same swap as if you buy and wait and wait….really great.
      What I think to do now is to hold more the Bitcoin but to practice your course and start trading with your system for the Bitcoin.
      I know you do not suggest anything but, if you can say few words about what I do will be just great!
      Thank you sincerely!

    • #2588

      Great to hear you have held the bitcoin. I had two friends who sold many out when it was below 1000. But I do believe no one expected it will reach these levels. I took the Optimal Pack here and I loved the bitcoin trading courses from Petko, because you can use it no matter where the price is.

    • #2670

      Thanks, for the nice words Chris!
      Desita, glad to hear you held the bitcoin, but you need to take some profits one day, keep it mind :)

    • #3203

      Hello all,

      I am new in the forum and I am so happy that I can write in all Topics.


      I think that you have bought bitcoin in not so much worst time, beacuse the bitcoin price reached high values. There was so worst time for buy bitcoin and a lot of people was losing money when the bitcoin is going down. I am hope that you do not lose your money when the bitcoin is going down. In nowadays there is so much ways to protect you.
      If I must honest I am new in trading and still I am trading on a Demo account and I am so happy of this, because I do not have so much experience and for all changes that the market did I would be lost my money.
      I think that the bitcoin will be go high again and most people can be trading again without worries.

      If anyone have more experience with bitcoin, I will be so happy to read it, because I think that all information will be useful for me.


    • #6017

      In all kind of investments and trading, there is one tip very important: Learn to take profit!

      If you have profit, do not hesitate to take it, and do not wait for more because it will go.

      Specially with the Bitcoin, it was the great example how many people waited and waited, until they actually lost

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