Home Forums Trading Strategies Create scalping strategies portfolio



  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #41310

      Hello guys, any idea how to generate scalping strategies (far sl and small tp)?

      1-what strategy settings??

      2-And what acceptance criterias we need to set?

      3-which time frame?

      Tku dear

    • #41323

      Hello Charbel,

      Welcome to the Forum!

      If you want to create scalping strategies, you need to have strategies with smaller SL and TP and also many numbers of trades.

      1. You can keep similar strategy settings to what I show in the courses as acceptance criteria, but just have over 1000 count of trades for example

      2. You can use here PF above 1.2 and min count of trades 1000

      3. Give it a try with M1 and M5. Use SL and TP range 5-20, pips, for example.


      Let me know how it goes.

    • #41406

      Thank you petko for your quick reply, i need to ask you how many bars my broker should provide me for the data bcz for m1 the max i could get is 30 000 bars isnt too snall data to execute 1000 trades?

    • #41407

      Thank you petko for your quick reply, i need to ask you how many bars my broker should provide me for the data bcz for m1 the max i could get is 30 000 bars isnt too snall data to execute 1000 trades?

    • #41430

      Hello Charbel,

      Actually 30 000 is too small! I use the data in EA Studio and there the M1 is 200 000. I hardly get strategies with over 1000 trades. Or at least not with all the currency pairs.

      Try to run a Reactor and see what are the results. Make sure to use Monte Carlo if you stay with that small number of bars.

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