Home Forums Live Trading Results Challenges Challenges: DarwinexZero

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    • #436341
      User AvatarStoyan Stoyanov

      This topic is dedicated for the Live Trading Results on DarwinexZero Challenges.

      Please use the Reply button if you want to reply to a specific comment. This would make the topic organized and easier to navigate through and will reduce number of duplicate questions.

    • #255918
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      Hi Traders,

      To introduce myself, I am fulltime travelling trader who has been trading forex as a side hustle seriously using EA studio for a few years now (with a few years of manual trading of crypto and forex prior to this) but transitioned to fulltime trading about 6 months ago using mainly prop firm capital.

      I just spent the last few months in Europe trading and after my next 6 weeks in Oz visiting family and friends I will be heading to Vietnam for a few months, so I will also share this experience and trading as I go by making videos and sharing the journey of travel trading as best I can along with any tips and tricks I discover along the way.

      I trade primarily using strategies developed using EA studio, although I also use FSBPro and code strategies myself also.

      The following portfolio has been trading only strategies developed using EA studio. It did suffer a prolonged period of stagnation but has since recovered, this was partly due to my working a fulltime job alongside trading and being overly busy but also just part of the nature of trading really.

      Predominantly I favour H1 and a slow hands off approach so in terms of management, the same portfolio was trading for about 8 months and then I made some modifications a few months ago to address the stagnation.

      I am sharing my Darwinex Zero account that has been trading since May 2023. I will aim to update the results monthly and answer any questions anyone has.

    • #277888
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      This account is now participating in Darwinex Gold with 80k euros current allocation. It is also now open to investor capital. See upcoming content videos on Petkos YouTube channel for further information and also happy to discuss and answer questions on here :-)

      I have only needed to make 1 portfolio change on this account in the 15 months that it has been trading


    • #305305
      User AvatarSamuel Jackson

      Hi Traders,

      I just started a second darwinexzero account. My first has been running well for over a year now and results can be seen here: https://www.fxblue.com/users/darwinexzeronfvknm

      I developed a starting portfolio of EAs using EA Studio. The portfolio consist of 6 strategies using the H1 timeframe on several different currency pairs (AUDUSD, GBPJPY, GBPUSD and USDJPY). I will be looking to add a few more strategies to this portfolio in coming months.

      I created this portfolio and put it straight onto live trading without any demo trading, I will adapt and make changes depending on performance as time goes. I am hoping that this account is able to get its first capital allocation in a few months time.

      I will aim to update the results monthly and answer any questions anyone has. The fxblue link to the result is https://www.fxblue.com/users/darwinexzero2nfvknm

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