Home Forums Trading Courses Assignments for the Trading Courses

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    • #52332

      Hello students,

      In this topic, I would like to invite everyone to post the assignments work from our courses.

      Petko will personally look into each assignment, and he will give you feedback.

      You can also post screenshots to your assignment.

      For Windows users, you can use the Snipping Tool, which you can find when you write the word “Snipping Tool” in the Search Bar.

      After that, you can insert the image:


      To see the Edit/Insert Option, you need to keep it on a Visual Mode.

      For Mac users, you can use the Screenshot.

      We encourage you to do all Assignments because practice is the most important before real trading.




    • #52346

      Bitcoin Algorithmic Trading in 2020 + 99 Expert Advisors


      1. Which trading broker did you choose to trade the Bitcoin robots?

      Pepperstone – Demo account

      2. Did you open a Demo account to practice?

      Yes, I did.

      3. What trading amount and leverage are you planning to use?

      $1000, 1:100 leverage.

      4. What trading lot you will be using for this trading account?


      5. Do you see the smiley face in the right-up corner after you placed the EAs over the chart?

      Yes :)

    • #52434

      Top 10 EURUSD Expert Advisors – Forex Algorithmic Trading course

      1. Open a Demo Account with a regulated broker. Which one did you choose?


      2. Download the 50 Expert Advisors from lecture 14 and place them on the Demo account. Do you see trades opened?

      Yes, I see.

      3. Connect your MetaTrader Demo account with a statistical website to follow the results.

      I did it using FX Blue.

      4. Figure out a method that you will use to select the Top Expert Advisors. What is the method you would use?

      I will look for the best net profits, profit factors, and minimum amounts of 3 trades for each Expert Advisor.

      5. Install a second MetaTrader with another Demo account, and place there the Top EAs from the first account.

      I did it.


      Thank you for the assignments and all materials!!!

    • #53237

      Hello everyone,

      here is my assignment for Bitcoin Algorithmic Trading Course + 99 Trading Robots

      1. Which trading broker did you choose to trade the Bitcoin robots?
      Ic Markets

      2. Did you open a Demo account to practice?
      Yes, I opened

      3. What trading amount and leverage are you planning to use?
      I plan on trading 100 000 with the demo account and 1000 when in a live trading account.

      4. What trading lot you will be using for this trading account?

      5. Do you see the smiley face in the right-up corner after you placed the EAs over the chart?
      Yes, I see

    • #53497

      Hey guys, good job!

      I would just suggest you open Demo accounts with the same amount as with the planned live account.

    • #54135

      Basic Cryptocurrency Trading Course + 12 Trading Robots

      1. Choose a trading broker that allows algorithmic trading with MetaTrader.

      2. Check if that broker is regulated by a strong regulator.
      Yes, it is.

      3. Open a Demo Account with the same size you are planning to trade real money
      Done – $5 000

      4. Install the MetaTrader platform on your computer.
      It is installed

      5. Play around with the platform during the course to get used to it.

    • #71669

      Hi Petko,

      Please see attached screenshot for the calculation of Bitcoin Never lose formula assignment.

      Thanks, Nitin

    • #71685

      Hey Nitin,

      I think you did a great job! If you put it in practice, keep in mind that at the current moment, the market is volatile, and the spreads are very high. Usually, if the spread is about $15, I do not use that strategy. Anyway, you get into the formula quickly.


    • #71797

      Thank you Petko. Right now the spread is around $65 with the broker for Bitcoin so I am personally not trying Bitcoin at this moment.

    • #73434

      Exactly! Especially with the EAs, it is very hard when the brokers increase the spread, and unfortunatelly we can not do anything about it.

    • #83865

      Automated Forex Trading Course + 99 Expert Advisors

      1-Download the Expert Advisors and place them on the MetaTrader platform.

      i did

      2-Open 99 different chart windows – 33 for EURUSD, 33 for USDJPY and 33 for EURJPY. All should be on M15 time frame.

      i did this

      3-Compile the Expert Advisors and drag each one to a separate chart and click on OK

      i did

      4-Connect your MetaTrader account with FX Blue and follow the results

      i did and saw result

      5-Which are the Top Expert Advisors that you have selected to use in a separate account

      i used them on alpari nano for 2 days but i lose just 3 Eas work is it normal? or something is wrong?

    • #84269


    • #92860

      Just a matter of notice as well , experts for gold on June 2021 are being Label as XAG/USD which is wrong because this its not gold but rather precious metal , shouldn’t be instead XAU/USD for gold ? is there any mistake in the june 2021 update

    • #92856

      1-Choose a trading broker and open a Demo account to test the Expert Advisors.

      Done FXTM demo Account | looking at brokers with various trades instruments (Forex , Crypto , Futures , index) to trade from |FXTM mainly focus on FX only

      2-Download the Expert Advisors from lecture 9 and follow the instructions on how to place them on Meta Trader.

      Done June 21 EA portfolio , expecting July 21 updates

      3-Connect your Demo account with a statistical website (like FX Blue) to follow the results.

      Done  used FX blue , quite better than forexfactory.com, FX blue is very useful from an analytical perspective (strategy on strategy) with magic numbers

      4-Think of your own rule that you want to follow when selecting the top Expert Advisors.

      kept the same rules from training count from 5 trades or above looking at the profit factor equal or above 1.01 but also looking at the numbers of

      Win vs Lost trade , I think we should also look for the drawdown percentage  (is it available per magic numbers view ? still looking for it on FX blue )

      FX strategy Results

      5-Which is the top one Expert Advisor for you?

      on XAG/USD => #57406704 , #57426845

      on portfolio GBPJPY M15 => #300003

      on portfolio EURJPY M15=> #20001

      on portfolio EURGBP M15=> not enough trades yet <5 per experts

      Question : on portfolio Expert its easy to remove the entering of new trades from Non performant (according rules in 4) experts in the mql4 code, how to do that from the perspective of single expert ? – I simply  replaced the non performing experts on the charts by the most performing ones.

    • #195423

      Question 1
      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?
      *Oanda seems Legit

      Question 2
      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?
      Yes, 500$

      Question 3
      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?
      *Yes, and they are installed… waiting on the market to open

      Question 4
      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?
      *yes they seem so happy :D

      Question 5
      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results? not yet, I will let you know

    • #195530

      Automated Forex Trading Course + 99 Expert Advisors

      1. Download the Expert Advisors and place them on the MetaTrader platform.

      I have downloaded them. I’ve also opened 2 x demo accounts to compare between two brokers I use.

      Broker 1: Pepperstone, Leverage
      Broker 2: AvaTrade

      2. Open 99 different chart windows – 33 for EURUSD, 33 for USDJPY and 33 for EURJPY. All should be on M15 time frame.

      I have done so for both brokers on demo.

      3. Compile the Expert Advisors and drag each one to a seperate chart and click on OK.

      Done on both brokers.

      4. Connect your MetaTrader account with FX Blue and follow the results.

      I have done so and been following the results every couple of days.

      5. Which are the top Expert Advisors that you have selected to use in a seperate account?

      After seeing the results from the two brokers on 99, I chose Pepperstone to use for the top 3.

      The first time I change was 3 x EURUSD.

      Then a USDJPY showed as top 3 from AvaTrade and I have removed the 3 x EURUSD and put USDJPY.

      Today USDJPY dropped and EURUSD came up as 3rd. Am now on 3 EURUSD again.

      The performances comparing the 99 EAs and Top is attached.

      AvaTrade 99 EAs

      AvaTrade 99 EAs Demo

      Pepperstone Demo 99 EAs

      Pepperstone 99 EAs Demo

      Top 3 Demo Pepperstone

      Pepperstone Top 3 DEmo

      Comments are welcome.

      • #195539

        I like the idea you are backtesting with two different brokers.  The reason the top 3 keep changing is your backtest time is not long enough.  You should backtest for at least 30 days before picking the top EA’s to move to a different account.

        • #195635

          Thank you Alan. Will wait a bit longer and post an update after.

    • #203985

      uestion 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading?Fbs  Is it legit? yes

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real? I opened a demo account and a cent account

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them? Yes I do

      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face? Sure it did

      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results? No I don’t

      • #203993

        Hi Ceo,

        Sorry to hear you are having problems with the EA.

        Do you mind if I ask a few questions so I can better understand the issue?

        1.  Which course did you take?

        2. Which EA are you concerned about?

        3. Did you install the EA on the correct chart and correct time frame?

        4. How long has it been since you installed the EA?

        5. What is the account size?

        6. What is the Lot size?

        Kind regards,

    • #206591

      Hi Course Advisers and Students :-) I’m Aki, Beginner trader and loving the course being offered here!! I’ve learned so much! Thank you!! :-)

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?
      BlackBull Markets is one I’m progressing with for live trading in the near future along with a few others I am in the throws of vetting. BlackBull Markets have been very compliant with providing me the relevant information around the regulators they are connected with.. makes for a much better trading relationship going forward! Well done Blackbull Markets!! Looking forward to live trading with you!

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      No I didnt but I do intend to do so as can see the wisdom in doing so..

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      Yes I did! :-)

      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      No this part doesn’t seem to be working for me, I have followed the instructions to the “T” turned on Auto trading prior to attaching the EA and all but don’t see any trades opening and closing against my demo account, the back testing usign the strategy tester I did and got really good results after getting the historical data provided here in the course and tools being offered here, I even tweaked the settings to see what kind of results I would get if I changed lot size, TP parameters etc  Am I missing something for autotrading to take place on my demo account.. any suggestions is much appreciated!



    • #206617

      Hi Aki,

      Depending upon which EA you are trying to trade could take from a few minutes to a few days before it will take a trade.  As long as the EA is added to the chart properly you just need to give it more time to place that first trade.


      • #207618

        I thought that might have been the case but was unsure.. Thanks for the update, much appreciated.


    • #219796

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?
      BlackBull – Demo account

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?
      Not yet

    • #220701

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Pepperstone , yes its legit

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?


      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?


      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      There are no trades opening , i also trialled another ea recently for 2 weeks and no trades were opened with that either , please advise how i can fix this ?

      screen snippet of my demo account

      • #220731

        I know that Forex.com does not allow trading with EA’s on their demo account but does allow them on their live accounts.  So I have to question if Pepperstone allows EA’s on their demo account.  Check with them to verify they allow EA’s on their demo accounts.


    • #222099

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?-

      balackbull / yes

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?


      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?


      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      No trade are apen- I get a mesage in the JUORNAL -invester mode [trades are not allowed]

      • #222104

        Try logging into MetaTrader with the master pw and not the investor pw.


    • #222110

      Do you mean Master Password?

      I am using the password that was set when I created the Demo acount

      I am not using investor password


      • #222113

        “No trade are apen- I get a mesage in the JUORNAL -invester mode [trades are not allowed]”

        The Journal is saying you are in investor mode.  This is why trades are not allowed.  Contact your broker to resolve this issue.  Evidently your broker gave you the investor password and not the master password.


    • #225920

      I dont see smiley face, I see what looks like a graduation hat.

      Using mt5, demo, I started the bots today, they have entered 3 trades soo far(ongoing) but no sign of smiley face on top right

    • #226182

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      I am using eightcap broker, Yes I believe Eightcap is a reliable broker at this time.

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      I made a $100,000 account to get used to trading with bigger $ amount. At first most likely I won’t be trading that big of a size. unless I start with a $100,000 founded account with mentfunding which uses live Eightcap data for that prop firm.

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?


      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      No results yet.. however I just got it all setup 10 minutes ago.. I will double check in the days to come :)


      Thanks for this course. I am excited to learn more about EAs and bots side of trading. Hope everyone is having a great year so far. Cheers!

    • #237657

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Ans: FP Markets, RoboForex and Axi. I think they are legit.

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      Ans: Yes

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?

      Ansl: Yes

      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      Ans: Yes

      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      Ans: As of the time of writing, no result yet.

    • #248495

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Ans: Ava Trade and they are registered with SA’s governing body.

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      Ans: Yes

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?

      Ans:  I did but the parameters don’t seem to match the ones you have on the course video.

      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      Ans: No, maybe it’s because it’s a weekend and there’s no trading?

      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      Ans: No movement at the moment, will test on Monday.

    • #310542
      User AvatarJacek

      Q1 – broker

      tastyfx.com (US branched IG.com)

      It is legit for US customers.

      However, I don’t know whether US customers can use non-US regulated brokers, as those have usually bigger leverages and smaller spreads.  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

      Q2 – demo with the same amount as real will be


      Q3 – download EAs


      However, maybe it would be good to have both EAs and Strategies (pdf / ppt) time stamped, so we know which one is newer in case of discrepancies.

      Also, GBPUSD and USDJPY EAs have two entries for SL/TP, where only one is initialized.  I did initialize the other one also, but not sure if I should.

      Maybe it would be also beneficial to provide setting files.

      Lastly, so far in the course, there was no mention about how to size “Entry Lots” based on account sizes.  Maybe instead of just asking for a number, this field should ask for a multiplicator for every $1,000 in the account.  This way, default value would be working for every account.

      Q4 – smiley face


      Q5 – EAs started trading

      Yes, I have two EURUSD trades already closed.  The first is for $1.31, the second for $-0.5.  I created $10k demo account, and modified LotSize to 0.01.  Maybe I need to bump it up to 0.1.  I also have a third trade open also EURGBP, but this is down right now at $-15.5.

      Would be nice, if you provide some examples for all pairs for one account, so we could adjust it accordingly.

      I am super excited to see how it will work!  So far, everything is really smooth.

    • #310545
      User AvatarJacek

      Q1 – broker

      tastyfx.com (US branched IG.com)

      It is legit for US customers.

      However, I don’t know whether US customers can use non-US regulated brokers, as those have usually bigger leverages and smaller spreads.  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

      Q2 – demo with the same amount as real will be


      Q3 – download EAs


      However, maybe it would be good to have both EAs and Strategies (pdf / ppt) time stamped, so we know which one is newer in case of discrepancies.

      Also, GBPUSD and USDJPY EAs have two entries for SL/TP, where only one is initialized.  I did initialize the other one also, but not sure if I should.

      Maybe it would be also beneficial to provide setting files.

      Lastly, so far in the course, there was no mention about how to size “Entry Lots” based on account sizes.  Maybe instead of just asking for a number, this field should ask for a multiplicator for every $1,000 in the account.  This way, default value would be working for every account.

      Q4 – smiley face


      Q5 – EAs started trading

      Yes, I have two EURUSD trades already closed.  The first is for $1.31, the second for $-0.5.  I created $10k demo account, and modified LotSize to 0.01.  Maybe I need to bump it up to 0.1.  I also have a third trade open also EURGBP, but this is down right now at $-15.5.

      Would be nice, if you provide some examples for all pairs for one account, so we could adjust it accordingly.

      I am super excited to see how it will work!  So far, everything is really smooth.


      I have submitted it twice not knowingly as I didn’t see page moving for some time after the first click, and the button was still blue (ready to be submitted).

    • #376444
      User AvatarKhalid Bhatti

      A 1: IG index MT4. Yes.

      A2: No, but my intention is to trade with Prop firm Funded account, like Darwenex, so I choose £10000 account.

      A3: Yes EA’s downloaded and unzipped.

      A4: YES those EA’s have smiley face on :)

      A5: Yes I have a couple of trades opened on GBP/USD and EUR/JPY right before the markets close on friday night, so around £2  PL.

    • #380373
      User AvatarJohn Shaw

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?-

      Exeness / yes

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?


      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?


      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      EURUSD -$55
      GBP USD-$2
      USD JPY-$89

    • #382140
      User AvatarWuhan Dansby


      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Forex.com  is my broker.  They are regulated in the United States.

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      I opened a Demo account and asked to have the account simulate a $5oo.00 account balance.

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?

      I watched the instructions 5 times and used the documentation uzip each robot.

      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      I took my time and I got smiley faces for each bot.

      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      Right now I have seen trades for EUR/USD.  I am up 107 pips



    • #386983
      User AvatarYanmife Bamidele

      1. Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?-


      Exeness / yes


      2. Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?




      3. Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?




      4. When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?




      5. Did you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      Well yes but it’s still running. On EUR USD and EUR GBP

    • #425188
      User Avatarkntrading

      “Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?”

      “Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?”
      Yes, 100k DarwinexZero account

      “Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?”

      “When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?”
      I’m on Mac, so they don’t show up as smiley faces

      “Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?”
      Not yet, only been a few hours. Instead I have been focusing on doing backtest for each strategy for every month for the entire 2024. Results below:

      Backtest results
      Settings for each EA updated to the newest settings according to the course. Do these results seem reasonable? It’s a farcry from 5% a month though (supposedly very realistic according to Petko in one of the recent videos on Youtube channel). Backtest is done with Strategy Tester within Metatrader 5 for Mac. Not sure if I did everything correct or whether there’s an easier way, but I basically brute forced it by selecting Jan 1 to Jan 31 2024 for the first strategy, then manually typed in the results in an Excel, then went on with Feb etc, then repeat for each strategy.

      All feedback are welcome.

    • #425769
      User AvatarTrevor Bryant

      Professional Trading Strategies + 5 Bots Included –

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?
      BlackBull. Yes, it is legit.

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?
      I opened a demo account with 10k. I will likely be using 1k to start

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?
      Yes, but I saw blue graduation caps with tassels

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?
      Yes. The first results were not overly favorable, outside of EURUSD trading. This one stayed in the positive at least. The initial 10k went down to 9700. In all fairness, trading was only for just over 2 days so far. Further back testing should be done. Then more time will be needed to get an overall better picture.

    • #425851
      User AvatarYanmife Bamidele

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Exness. Yes, it is legit.


      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      I opened a demo account with 5k. Yes


      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?



      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?



      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?


    • #425852
      User AvatarYanmife Bamidele

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Exness. Yes, it is legit.


      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      I opened a demo account with 5k. Yes


      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?



      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?



      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?


    • #430408
      User AvatarSharon Sim

      Question 1

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Oanda. Yes, it is legit.

      Question 2

      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      Yes. I opened a 10k account.

      Question 3

      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?


      Question 4

      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?


      Question 5

      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      It’s been almost a week and I don’t see trades opening and closing. Why is this happening?

    • #433179
      User AvatarSoo Jeong Kim

      Which broker did you choose for your trading? Is it legit?

      Blackbull Demo account . Yes, it is legit.


      Did you open a Demo account with the same size you are planning to trade real?

      I opened a demo account with 10k. Yes


      Did you download the Expert Advisors and unzip them?



      When placing the Expert Advisors in the Demo account, did you see the smiley face?

      Yes, I saw  blue hat


      Do you see trades opening and closing? What are the first results?

      Yes. There are currently 4 transactions in progress and they are profitable.



    • #440022
      User AvatarDavid Rich


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