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Hello Chao,

I am glad to hear from you.

Do you mean to put the EAs in one Portfolio Expert Advisor? It is possible with EA Studio, but actually you will need to have 3 different Portfolio Expert Advisors for each currency pair. But yes you can make it, if you have watched my Trading Portfolio Expert Advisors course, I have shown the process there.

Most of the companies that are doing such rooms are aiming exactly at the fees and subscribers. Something I want to stay away from.

During the years I found that the online courses are the easiest way to share my systems and knowledge.

Also, I am happy when I build traders, not copiers. What I mean is that you can use such rooms to copy, and once the room is gone, you are lost and you can not trade. When you learn how to do it, you can do it even alone. That is the idea.

Kind regards,

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