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I am am very glad to hear that you liked the videos and the course. Yes, currently it is a bit of issue trading portfolio of EAs on one currency pair in USA.

1. Actually here you are trying to fir the trading into the FIFO rule which would be very wrong. The idea of trading different strategies in one Portfolio is to diversify the risk. If you have a long entry, and all the rest EAs open long trades because of the first entry, and the price goes down? Obviously there will be a huge loss because all the positions are on the opposite direction.

1a. The Forex Strategy Builder Pro has the option to add to a trade. And that is different. When you use one strategy/expert advisor and it opens trade, with the FSB Pro you can select if you want to add to the position on the next same direction signal. You can add up to 20 times. This is much more applicable because the entries would be from the same strategy, and every next opened trade will confirm the direction. Actually I show that in the Top 5 Forex Strategies course, and 3 of the strategies are with adding option.

2. There is much better solution here, and Forex Software LTD is working on such Forex trading software. Since it is a “know how”, I can not share it before it is released. It will solve the problem, and it will change in total the algorithmic trading. However, I am not sure when it will be ready, not sure if it will be during 2018 at all.

But once it is ready, I will make sure that all my students know about it. because it will be game changing.

The solution at the moment for you is to create different portfolios for the different currency pairs. If you can test them on a Demo account with an international broker, and select only the best 1 performer per currency. After that you can place the selected EAs into live account with local broker. Since they are on different assets, it will not be against the FIFO rule.

Kind regards,

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