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User AvatarMark Kamrath

Hi Jitesh!!  Great to run into you again, small world, eh?!?   Yea, they recommend daily updates, so I’m updating to top 3 gold EAs using the weekly basis. I started with a real, but moved to demo to put a little more money into my Plexy PAMM account. But on this one, I had a good November, and December is a bit negative, but I figured that. If I was live, I probably would be sitting December out. I wanted to to see what would happen through December.

And I don’t close trades on the EAs that I take off of the Top 3 list. All these EAs post both a take profit and a stop loss, just like a basic trading approach. I like that, as there are no huge DDs waiting (hoping?) for a counter-trend system reversal. Still, December had a 13 trade losing streak, for about a 14% DD (they have a trailing loss system, so you get reduced SL losses), but with the November wins, and some December wins, the total Nov/Dec account is about 8% up.  Also, I watch the non-active EA trades, and will take them off if there is a decent profit, or just move the SL to break even, so at least I don’t lose money. All in all, it’s working nicely for me.

I may go live with this after I see what January does. My PAMM did over 10% just for November, with absolutely no involvement on my part. Nice!  It did get to a 20% DD at one point, but that’s acceptable for me as I don’t have to manage it. He did over 100% for 2024, so better than what I have seen in all of our Nurp and Everest forums.

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