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Good afternoon Petco,

Sorry for the delayed response. Have been super busy trying to get ready for 2020! But yes I have one of your strategies from the “Forex Trading Course: 12 Forex Robots every month”. Your EA magic number is 82478347 for EURUSD. It’s been on my account since September 2018. Has made 106 trades, and maintains a 1.5 profit factor with 44% win rate (depending on market cycle). I call it “the studmuffin” and have used this strategy as the building block for mine since :)

@Simon- I’ve spent a lot of time trying to determine “shelf life” this year because the point you made is very important. What I’ve found is that mine are lasting about 1 full year on H1 time frame. I was using 20% out of sample with a total of 14 years worth of data, and incubating for around 3-6 months before putting live to let the stats stabilize. This has given me between 6-9 months milking them live. Right now i’m experimenting with walk forward to see how long i can get out of them. Just started using it about 2 months ago so don’t really have enough data to make a recommendation.

What i will suggest is that you figure out a tap out point of your own. I’m pretty patient and willing to give a strategy time to work itself out or show me that it’s truly expired. I think Jacpin throws them out if they’ve lost their 70% win rate if i remember correct. From my research this means bigger stop loses than i’m personally not comfortable with. Only you can decide when its time to trash it. Another thing i’ve noticed over this past year, is that when you place the algo on demo/live plays a huge part in it’s performance at that time. I created a strat towards the end of 2018 and put it live, it failed miserably. When i bought my new PC in March i found that strat and gave it another go, it’s now one of my top performers in EURUSD. It wasn’t in tune with the market not because of it’s parameters, but due to the time i placed it on the accounts.

Hope this helps! Happy Holidays Familia!!

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