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Hey Jay-R,

I think I have answered to you that already. I do not keep looking always at the last 5 trades. This is the rule that I follow to move the EA from Demo to Live. After that I follow the profit factor to be above 1.2 looking at the whole performance from the beginning, switching over the last 1 month, and then switching over the last 2 weeks (from the filter in FX Blue) If those three show Profit Factor above 1,2 than I keep the EAs in my live. If any of the three shows below 1,2 (normally the last 2 weeks period, I would remove it.

If you keep looking just at the last 5 trades on the live, this is too short and you will remove some good EAs from your live account.

The idea of the 5 trades is to get on the train of the profitable phase and not to follow it on the live. At least that is my idea, but you can go for anything else that makes more sense for you….hope that makes sense.

Kind regards,


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