Home Forums 21 Day Program 21 Day Program: Properties & Settings Reply To: 21 Day Program: Properties & Settings


Hi Maarten,

Use Generator

Turn off Acceptance Criteria

Set Stop Loss Min (pips) = 1

Set Stop Loss Max (pips) = 1000000

Take Profit  Loss Min (pips) = 1

Take Profit Loss Max (pips) = 1000000

Click Start

Go to Collections (you should be collecting lots of strategies)

Go to Filter records (start adding in validation criteria to filter strategies to best performers)
example:  minimum count of trades = 50, Minimum r-squared = 50

Once you have some good strategies you can click on a strategy and it will show you its strategy and Stop Loss and Take Profit chosen.

If count of trades is not what you want then try a different time period.

Hope this helps!



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