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Hi Fabian,

The first thing to do is to go to Tools>options>Charts.  Then go down to Max bars in history and enter 9’s all the way across the white space.  Do the same for Max bars in chart.  Click OK.

Now go to the chart and select the time frame. On the tool bar unselect “Scroll the chart to the end on tick incoming” and unselect “Shift end of the chart from right boarder” buttons.

Now in the tool bar press the Zoom Out button until chart zooms out as far a possible.

Now hold down the HOME key.  Chart should scroll across the window.  Hold down until chart stops scrolling.  This will maximize the historical data.  Click END key to return to end of chart.  Do this for each time frame.

Also, when installing the robot first make sure you have the Auto Trading button on the tool bar selected.

Now see if the robot will start working.




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