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Hey Mery,

yes, you can not see exactly the consecutive losses in FX Blue, you can see the winner and the losers there. So one of the things you can do is to keep an eye when you have 10 trades and see how many of those were the losers. Let’s say you want to have win/loss ration of 0.7, this will mean that you can allow just 3 losers. After that, you can restart it when the strategy goes to 10-20 trades. Or you can restart at every 5 trades.

The other thing you can do is to bring back the strategy in EA Studio and from Data horizon you can set as a start the date when you started trading with the EA. And you will have a detailed statistic for the strategy. Basically, you can import 10 EAs, update the Historical data and see how they go, what stats you have, but just make sure to set the start date.

The consecutive losses in Forex are just an example for that, you can do it with the profit factor, the r-squared, max stagnation and so on…

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